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Mina POV
I was in the bathroom when I heard someone talking. Whoever was on the phone was upset I heard the person say "Why haven't you grabbed the brat yet". I peaked out of the stall to see who was on the phone. It was Uraraka. "Listen don't worry worry Shigaraki I have a plan" she said. I heard footsteps then Uraraka rushed out of the bathroom. In walked Yaoyorozu. "What was that about"she asked. "I think Uraraka is working with the league of villains" I said. "We need to let mr. Aizawa know" Yaoyorozu said. We then hurried back to the classroom to tell mr Aizawa what I had heard.
Deku's POV
As I walked in to class and took my seat Tsuyu came up to me. "I noticed that you walked to school with Uraraka today" Tsuyu said. "Yea I did" I said. "Have you noticed that she's been acting strange lately"Tsuyu said. "Well there is one thing she been doing that's weird" I said. "What is it"Tsuyu asked. "She's been calling me by my first name" I explained. "It's weird because ever since the beginning of school she's called me Deku" I said. Then as Tsuyu was about to say something Mina and Yaoyorozu came up to us and asked if we'd seen Aizawa sensei. " no why" I asked. " Because I overheard Uraraka on the phone with Shigaraki" Mina said. "The leader of the league of villains" Tsuyu asked. "Yea that's him" I said. Then I pieced everything together. "Guys that wasn't Uraraka that was Toga" I said. "That why she's been acting so weird because it's not her at all" Tsuyu said. "Hey Mina what exactly did Shigaraki say when he and Toga were on the phone" Yaoyorozu asked. "Shigaraki asked Toga why she hadn't grabbed the brat yet" Mina said. Wait does that mean their after Todoroki I thought to myself. I looked over at Small Todoroki he playing with some toys in his seat. I won't let anyone take him away from me.

Back at the Park

Uraraka's POV
I woke up to someone shaking me awake. The sun was beaming in my eyes. "Hey wake up" the voice said it seemed familiar. "Hey Round face you ok" the voice asked I opened my eyes to see Bakugo and Kirishima. "What happened to you" Kirishima asked. "I was attacked by Toga"I explained. "We should get you to Recovery Girl" Kirishima said.

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