Day 1: Sunday

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Count down: six days remaining

Todoroki's POV
I was still surprised that I would be back to normal in six days. But I knew once I was back to normal there were a few thing I wouldn't miss. Like having to get help to do everything. When I woke this morning I looked around but didn't see Midoryia anywhere. At first I kinda worried but then I figured he probably just went down stairs. I didn't think about how hard it would be trying to walk down the stairs. After all Midoriya usual picked me up most of the time. I decided going down the stair would be to much work so i would just wait for someone to come up the stairs or down the stair. "Todoroki?" someone said from behind. I turned around saw Toykoyami. "Why are you just sitting at the top of the stairs" he asked. "I don't know how to get down by myself" I answered. "Would it be ok if I carried you down" Toykoyami asked. I nodded my head yes. He brought me down stairs and sat me on the couch. "Todoroki your awake" Midoriya exclaimed. "I'm sorry I didn't come and get you" he said. "It fine" I said. "Would you like some lunch" Midoriya asked. "Umm lunch" I asked confused. "Well you slept through breakfast" he explained. Really I slept that long I thought to myself. "Yea sure" I replied. "I made your favorite cold soba. "Really" I asked. "Yep" Midoriya. He fixed me a plate and sat in down in front of me. "Wow this is really good" I said.
Deku's POV
While Todoroki was asleep I busy planning what I could do make this week fun for him. I figured eating his favorite food would make him happy. But there was no way I could go out and get Soba for him. The teachers told us that it would be best if we don't go anywhere outside the dorms till tomorrow. Then I had an amazing idea maybe I could make him some Soba. I looked up an recipe on my phone and got to work. Luckily we had all of the ingredients in the kitchen. It wasn't to hard although I had to ask Sato for help on one step. Anyway it was worth seeing how much Todoroki enjoyed the meal.

Time Skip to about 6:00

Todoroki's POV
"Do you want to play with me" I asked Midoriya. He smiled and said "sure Todoroki". Then his phone started ringing. He answered the phone and after talking he went up stairs. (They were in the common area) Midoriya came back down with his favorite red shoes on. "I'm sorry Todoroki I have to go down to the police station for questioning" he said. "That's ok" I said. Midoriya looked around for a second then spotted Tokoyami and dark shadow. "Hey Toykoyami would you mind hanging out with Todoroki while I'm gone" Midoriya asked. "I guess that would be alright" said Tokoyami. I gave Midoriya a hug before he left even though I knew I would see him later. The Toddler part of me is so clingy sometimes. It's hard to control. "Hmm what do little kids like" Toykoyami asked thinking out loud. "How about a piggy back ride" dark shadow suggested. Dark shadow put me his back and start racing all around the room. I couldn't help but laugh. I didn't remember the last time I had this much fun. "Come on join in" Dark shadow said to Tokoyami. Tokoyami just watched us but I could have sworn I saw him smile.

Hope you guys enjoyed this extra long chapter. And also thanks to @SpicyCupcake123 for the idea about Dark shadow and Todoroki playing together.

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