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As soon as she landed she received the name and number of the student who was picking her up . He was an Indian boy Sanjay who had been studying in her college for the past three years .

Sanjay helped her with her luggage and dropped her o her appartment and invited her for dinner with his friends . He told her that one of his flatmate a girl named Monika was in the same course as her .

Shnaya was very tired because she had not been able to Sleep much on the flight . She had been thinking of her life , about Vikram and his family . She had spoken to the Maharani about leaving . Maharani had tried to convince her to stay but when Shnaya mentioned that Vikram had no issues with her leaving she calmed down .

However it was Vikram's behaviour that upset her . Not once had he called . It was as if she had never been a part of his life .Well now she had a different life here . She was a student and no one here knew she was married and she would like to keep it that way .

She went to meet Monika and was pleased with their group . They were a group of three people who shared the three bedroom flat . Two of them were boys while the third one was Monika . Infact Monika and Sanjay knew each other from before as their families were friends and they had studied in the same school .

Dinner with them was pleasant and they planned to go out that night but Shnaya refused as she was very tired .

The next day she settled and unpacked and by dinner time again Sanjay had come over to take her to their flat . On Sunday Shnaya invited them over by cooking lunch for them . She wanted to thank them for welcoming her and helping her It was a simple lunch comprising of rajma , rice and aloo ki sabzi but they just loved it .

Infact Sanjay kissed her hand saying that her cooking reminded him of his home in India . Sanjay and Monika were from elite families of South Delhi but Sanjay's mother was a very good cook and he missed homemade food in London .

College was starting from Monday .Monika and Shnaya went to college together as they were in the same class .

Shnaya fell in love with her college on the first day . Not only was it huge but she liked the ambience as well . The teachers seemed to be good as well .

The college was a group of buildings all in brick red . The design department was at the back the second largest building with a beautiful park . The interiors were also very well done . Each room was big , spacious and airy but the design studios were the best . Shnaya just fell in love with them because they contained all possible type of equipment right from designing to the actual cutting , melting and polishing .

The first few weeks passed on just adapting herself to her new life . Her father would call her everyday and even Ajay would call her frequently to check if she was alright or if she needed anything .When she had unpacked her bags she had found an envelope with 20,000 usd scribled in her fathers handwriting.

Shnaya had a fixed routine . On weekdays she would wake up have a light breakfast preferably toast with coffee or cornflakes and then straight to college . After coming back she would prepare a cup of coffee and then make her dinner . After dinner she would spend time designing and watching television.

On weekends she would go for her grocery shopping ,a little bit of sightseeing and normally on Sunday she would invite Monika and Sanjay for lunch . Sometimes on weekdays she would have dinner with them . But her social life was nonexistent . She never went out with them to any of the pubs or the night parties.

The days were busy and easy to pass . It was the nights she missed Vikram . She missed him . She missed the way he would wake up in the morning and drink his tea while reading the newspaper. She missed his smiles and the look full of desire when he would check her out . She even missed their. Intelligent conversations . She missed seeing and touching his handsome face . Surprisingly she missed him physically also . She yearned for his kisses and sometimes during the night her body ached to be held by Vikram .

But not once had Vikram called . She knew that she had not informed Vikram of her whereabouts but he could easily get the information from her father if he wanted .

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