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Eric's clothes were disheveled. He had a cut on his upper lip and a bump on his head . His hands we're bloodstained. It was clear that he had a major fight with someone .

When she looked at him she could see that he was heavily drunk .His eyes were hazy and he was not looking at her directly.

The second man was also hurt badly . Infact blood was oozing from many placed of his body . He was in a rage and his wife was demanding to call the police ,"I want this monster in jail . Look at my dear Luke . This monster has hit him so badly . Doesn't he know us ?We are very well known and rich people . I will take him to court . I "

Shnaya asked the front office staff as to what had happened . When they told her that the first punch had been from Lukes side and not Eric's, Shnaya burst at the woman ,"How dare you speak about Eric like this ? Your boyfriend started the fight ?"

"He is not my boyfriend. He is my husband. "

"I don't care how you are related . As for money Eric is a billionaire much richer than you might be but he is not used to flaunting his wealth at everyone . You won't report this to the police I will and I will make sure that he stays in jail "Shnaya retorted.

"Your say has no weight because I know you two are not related . You are just a whore whom he bought for a weekend in Paris . I know you have booked two interconnecting rooms in the hotel . It is clear that you don't want the world to know you are sleeping together . You two are hiding that you slept together "

Shnaya felt humiliated. Anyone would think the same . She shouldn't have come to Paris with Eric . It was a big mistake but now she couldn't do much about it .

Eric was furious

"How dare you ? Shnaya is my fiancee and we are getting married next month .And I will make sure that both of you rot in jail . Call the police and I am pressing charges of assault by your husband and defamation by you ."

The hotel front desk staff whispered in the lady's ear and she paled .

That's when the gentleman named Luke intervened,"Clara you keep quiet . I started the fight and I will apologise . Sir I apologise "

Eric was beyond angry because Clara had called Shnaya a whore .

"Luke your wife called my fiancée a whore . You could have beaten me twenty times and I wouldn't feel hurt but this I cannot forgive . Your wife has maligned my fiancée reputation . I will make her pay for it "

"Please sir . She has a sharp tongue and she loves me too much . You can understand the things ladies do for their love .Clara you apologise to the lady "Luke asked his wife .

His words further hurt Eric because he knew Shnaya would never do something like that for him as she didn't love him .

Shnaya wasn't keen on any apologies but she accepted the lady,s apology to resolve the matter . She just wanted to run away from this place and cry in private . She was feeling so humiliated that she wanted to lick her wounds in private.

Eric was in a bad state so the front office staff asked her if they needed medical help . Shnaya just asked for a first aid box and Eric to be taken to her suite .

Eric couldn't be left alone in this state . So she had asked the staff to take him to her suite .

In the suite she bandaged his cuts . She asked the male staff to change his clothes and then after he had changed she put him to bed .

"Shnaya I am sorry for embarrassing you like this . Actually I am never drunk but tonight I had too many drinks . Can you forgive me ? I promise never to drink again "

"Eric please go to sleep . We will discuss this in the morning "

"But Shnaya I am sorry for hurting you . You are so sweet and I love you so much "

"Eric go to sleep " she scolded him

Eric was still blabbering in his sleep , I love you Shnaya . Why can't you be mine? Do I not deserve you ? But I love you soo much "

Shnaya left the bedroom to sleep on the couch with tears in her eyes .

What had she done ? She had changed an intelligent man to a drunkard ? Why was she spoiling so many lives ?With these disturbing thoughts she fell asleep .

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