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Maharani had not slept a wink that night . What was going on in her children's lives ?

Vikram had himself decided to marry Shnaya then why Was he behaving so strangely ? He had already been away half the time he was married and if she was sure then Vikram and Shnaya still had to consummate their marriage.

On the other hand though she trusted Shnaya but sometimes she had second thoughts when she saw how much friendly Shnaya was with Vishal ?

And lastly what were Vishals intentions ? Was he trying to sabotage his brothers marriage Or was he already in love with Shnaya?

If the situation was not handled properly it was quite Possible that a scandal in their family was ready to emerge .

She had to do something to salvage her son's marriage.

She had an idea . The best thing was to get Vikram and Shnaya to spend some time together . Vishal would then automatically move away .

The next morning Maharani made the proper arrangements. The royal jet had been refueled and was ready to go .

In the morning before breakfast she went to Vikram's wing with a packet in her hand .

Shnaya had slept after crying for an hour or so . Vikram had literally raped her . She could not understand what had led to his rage . Before the party he had been very excited . He had specially arranged for her dress and jewellery . Then what had happened in the party which had lead to his bad behaviour?

Was her life going to be a constant agony ? She was a brave and practical girl but incidents like yesterday tend to weaken her .

She was a simple girl at heart and had always wanted a normal family life that too after fulfilling her dreams of being India's topmost jewellary designer . She had never expected to be married so soon and that too to a future Maharaja .

She decided to get dressed quickly and go to the Maharani since her room suffocated her. When she entered the living area thankfully Vikram was nowhere to be seen .

She made herself a cup of coffee and sat down to read the morning paper when someone knocked .

It was the Maharani .

"Shnaya beta where is Vikram ? He is not awake yet ? Please call him ."

Shnaya went hesitatingly to Vikram's bedroom ," Vikram "

Vikram was completely ready to go to his office . He had felt so guilty of his behaviour last night that he had cocooned himself in his room and had not come out ," Shnaya I wanted to apologise for yesterday " but before he could complete his sentence Maharani entered.

"Vikram ever since you two got married you have not gone on your honeymoon . I have rectified your mistake and booked a villa in Maldives for one week ."She handed Vikram the packet .

" It is a beautiful resort and the villa is secluded so noone will bother you .And mind you the booking starts from today so I advise you to leave latest by evening . Also before you say anything the royal jet is ready to leave in an hour .Get ready you both and please enjoy ,"

Vikram mumbled something of going to the office to complete some urgent piece of work and asked Shnaya to be ready in till lunch time .

After Vikram left Maharani took Shnaya's hand and went to her room ,"Shnaya beta do you have any beach wear ? "

When Shnaya refused Maharani asked her to accompany her to a nearby designer .

On reaching the designer's outlet she adked Shnaya to select some beach wear, two swimsuits . wraps , sarongs beach dresses and flipflops .

Shnaya was a shy girl so she chose very modest swimsuits and no bikinis .

They rushed back since Vikram was coming for lunch .

Shnaya's and Vikram's luggage had already been packed by the servants . Shnaya was to simply add her shopping and change .

For her journey Shnaya chose a long lemon yellow sundress with flats . Her hair was bound in a long ponytail . She had applied a black eyeliner and a light lipgloss.She was looking like a young college student not a married woman .

Vikram had changed to a blue jeans and casual blue shirt .

When they sat down for lunch Chachi seemed tobe surprised,"Vikram beta are you two going out today ? After yesterday's scandal I was doubtful whether you two would even be talking to each other ? I understand that you and Vishal were arguing over Shnaya ?"

Before Vikram could answer Maharani spoke up , "No dear . Everything is ok among the kids . Infact they are going on yheir honeymoon to Maldives "

To say Chachi was surprised was to speak lightly . Chachi was shocked ,"When are you leaving ?"

"Right now , Just after lunch .Chachi "Vikram answered.

After lunch Vikram and Shnaya boarded the royal jet to Maldives .

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