Chapter 9 Part 2

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A few hours had passed, and the sun was just starting to peek over the horizon. And Noah was awake, walking through the door that lead to the kitchen.

He squinted at the light, raising his arm in an attempt to block it. He shut the door behind him, sighing. "I thought you said 'take care of yourselves', Jay." Noah leaned against the counter, watching his brother.

"Well, Noah, sometimes there's this thing adults do called 'work'." Jay kept his focus on what he was doing. "Usually it's in the morning, so unless you want to stumble around half-asleep, you drink something that'll help you wake up." He turned, holding a steaming mug. "Ergo, tea."

"Whatever happened to good old coffee?"

"That just puts off the stumbling. Lynn still drinks it though."

Noah jumped a bit and pushed himself onto the counter, swinging his legs a bit. "How is she, anyway?"

"She's good. Visiting her parents. Took Charlie with her, too."

"Aw, not Charlie!" Noah laughed quietly. "Probably for the best."

"Okay, enough about me. What have you been up to?"

"Oh, you know, the usual. Getting threatened with murder, having to hide in the woods on the edge of town with your best friend, getting pushed to the verge of a nervous breakdown every other day, having to protect five people instead of just one, being overly suspicious of every little thing, feeling like a piece of shit daily, worrying about you, the normal stuff."

"Whoa, slow down. What happened out there?" A smile grew on his face. "And what's this about you worrying about me?"

"You're my brother, chill out a bit. And I worry about everyone."

"Understandable. Now would you please explain where you got four extra people?"

"Ran into them on April's birthday." Noah watched Jason take a sip from his mug in an attempt to hide a smile. "I know that look. What?"

"Oh, nothing," he muttered, setting the mug down and still grinning. "Just the fact that you and that Cooper kid seemed pretty close for meeting only a month ago."

"Don't you fucking dare."

Jason's smile widened. "Do what?"

Noah's eyes narrowed. "You know exactly what. Do it and I'll snap your neck."

Jason knew that tone. "Harsh."

"But fair. I'm not joking. Now do that thing you do."

He opted to distract his brother instead of pushing it. "I am a man of many talents. Choose one."

"The one where you change the subject randomly and quickly."

"Ah. A true specialty." Jason turned to grab the mug. "When's my birthday?"

"December 4th."

"Ding-ding-ding. How did Lynn and I meet?"

"English, 4th period, and you wouldn't shut up about it all day."

"I'm happy you remember. What's our address?"

"2947 Wickory Street."

"Your memory's intact. Great." He watched Noah's smile fall just a bit. It was hardly noticeable. He kept going. "Now why'd you come in the back door?"

"Easier to stay hidden." He reached into his pocket. "Here's the key, by the way." Noah dropped it into Jason's outstretched palm.

"Thanks." Jason grabbed his bag, slinging it onto one shoulder. "Oh, and I know you haven't told me everything. Do me a favor and tell me when I get back from work?"

Noah sighed. "I guess so."

"You're the best." Jason walked through the door next to his brother, who was still sitting on the counter, and ruffled his hair as he passed him. "Don't break anything."

"Love you too, Jason."

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