Chapter 19 Part 2

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Koko kept her hand there, the maroon circle on her shoulder growing, until she quickly pulled it away, chest heaving. "There. It- it shouldn't be permanently damaged now. Just scarred."

April checked Noah's shoulder. The stab wound seemed to be partially healed and it wasn't bleeding anymore. She glanced at Koko, who was grabbing her own shoulder.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I-I'm fine. Might have gone a bit too far, but I'll be f-fine." She offered April a genuine smile. "Don't worry about me."

April hesitated before looking back to Noah, tilting his head so she could check for a pulse.

A faint beating pressed against her fingers. It was quick, but it was there. 

"He's alive. Oh my god, he's alive." She grabbed his unaffected hand, shuddering at the limpness of it, and squeezed gently. "I think he might've gone into shock, but he's alive."

"I'm sorry," Cooper whispered again, voice hoarse. "I didn't-"

"Cooper. It's okay. It's not your fault." She looked the boy in the eyes, almost about to start crying again at the sight of his tear-streaked face. She could see why Noah liked him. "Knowing him, he doesn't blame you, and neither do I." She could hear his shallow breathing as he looked back towards Noah. "It'll be okay."

She stood up, glancing around. Ky had a trail of blood running down his neck and was fighting Ryan, ducking under her fists. It had started to rain and the fires had all been put out, making it hard to see. She eyed the ground and saw where her scepter had been kicked to, making a mad dash for it and diving for it. April stood up, gripping it tightly.

"Aren't you just so smart."

She spun, holding it in front of her protectively and coming face to face with an grinning Alex, eyes shining with malice and hatred. "Thanks for the compliment."

"If I'm being honest, I didn't know Koko was going to be used, too. But here we are."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean none of us have even touched her."

"Good. You touch my friends, I hurt you."

"Play nice, April," he whispered menacingly, pulling his own scepter out from behind his back, "or don't play at all."

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