Part 4 - Joining S.E.E.S

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The siblings arrived at the fourth floor of the dorms and entered the room where Ikutsuki was supposed to meet them. Once there they saw Akihiko, Mitsuru, and Yukari all sitting around a table alongside a much older man that they both immediately guessed was this Ikutsuki person, on the table was a large silver briefcase.

"Ah, and there they are." Ikutsuki spoke up as Miyuki and Takuya took their seats on the same couch Mitsuru was sitting at.

"I'm glad to see you two are okay, I should properly introduce myself" He continued speaking "I am Shuji Ikutsuki, I would've like to have met you both before all this came to light but unfortunately that's not how things played out." With that sentence spoken, Ikutsuki leaned forward to grab the briefcase.

The bespectacled man opened the silver case and turned it back around to reveal two evokers, similar to the one Yukari had, and two red armbands with the word S.E.E.S written on them.

"What if I were to tell you two that a day consisted of more than twenty-four hours, would you believe me?" Ikutsuki asked as he leaned back into his chair and looked at the twins.

"I mean sure, at this point I'll believe anything." Takuya replied nonchalantly, Miyuki nodded in agreement with her brother's statement.

"Glad to hear it, that makes this next part easier." Ikutsuki spoke up.

"Remember when you two got here?" Mitsuru asked.

"How could I forget being greeted at the door by a gun to my sister's face." Takuya answered quickly.

"Not that part..." Yukari quickly spoke up "The part where none of the lights were working..." She added as she slowly lowered her voice.

"Didn't either of you notice the coffins everywhere?" Akihiko added.

"That's the Dark Hour..." Mitsuru continued "It's an hour between one day and the next."

" there's twenty five hours in a given day?" Miyuki said as she tried to wrap her head around the whole concept.

"Correct. Right at midnight, the dark hour starts." Mitsuru answered.

"Every night." Akihiko said following Mitsuru's words.

"I...I think I get it..." Miyuki spoke up "So...would those coffins be normal people, I mean those without Personas?" She asked curiously, shocking everyone in the room except Takuya who didn't seem fazed.

"You catch on fast, that's good." Ikutsuki said with a smile "Only a select few can truly experience the Dark Hour." He added before motioning to the briefcase and it's contents once again.

"You want us to join this S.E.E.S thing, right?" Takuya asked.

"You saw those things, right?" Akihiko questioned as he stood up for his seat "Those things are called Shadows, they roam the Dark Hour looking for anyone not in a coffin and it's our job to defeat them." He added with a grin on his face.

"Quit smiling, Akihiko!" Mitsuru shouted assertively as she stood up from the couch.

"What can I say, it gets me excited." Akihiko shot back with a glimmer in his eyes.

"You just got hurt the other day, how can you still be like this?!" Mitsuru screamed with fury in both her voice and her expression.

Ikutsuki nervously looked around the room, the tension in the air obviously making him feel awkward so he stood up and motioned for the two teens to sit back down.

"Now. Now. Akihiko does fine work, nothing wrong with him enjoying it." Ikutsuki spoke up as he slowly returned back to his seat.

"S.E.E.S is recognized by the school as a club, but in reality is so much more than that..." Ikutsuki continued explaining to the Shiomi siblings "..and it's a club I'd like for you two to join." He added as he nudged the case a tad closer to Mitsuru who picked it up and lifted it towards the two.

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