Part 9 - Arcana Priestess

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A few more days would pass by normally with the teens doing your regular lives and going to Tartarus during the Dark Hour, the group had taken note that Takuya had them visit Tartarus every night now instead of every other night like he had before.

Eventually the day of the full moon, May 9th, had arrived.

During that night's Dark Hour, Mitsuru was scanning the entire area of Port Island with the massive supercomputer located in the meeting room on the fourth floor.

Akihiko came in and was stunned to find Mitsuru doing this.

"You're still at it?" Akihiko asked puzzled.

"Yes, you never know when the enemy might appear." Mitsuru answered.

"If only you could scan outside of Tartarus, that would definitely help." Akihiko said in response, Mitsuru responded to this with a sigh.

"To be honest...I wish Penthesilea's power was stronger, better than what it already is." Mitsuru lamented to Akihiko.

"If it makes you feel any better, it seems the power of Personas vary from person to person..." Akihiko spoke up trying to say something helpful.

"You're right...." Mitsuru began to ruminate "The Shiomi siblings, it hasn't been that long since their awakenings and yet both of them have seemed to have already adapted to their abilities."

"Good point." Akihiko replied "It's scary how good they seem to be in battle."

Before either of them could continue the conversation, the screen on the computer alerted them to something.

"A shadow?!" Mitsuru exclaimed as she jolted up from her chair.

"What? You found one?!" Akihiko said in shock.

"Something's not right about it...It's reading is too big." Mitsuru commented, suddenly both she and Akihiko had the same thought and their expressions revealed to the other their shared shock.

"I-It can't be." Mitsuru stuttered.

"It's gotta be..." Akihiko answered.

"Akihiko, wake the others." Mitsuru ordered, Akihiko nodded and then slammed an alarm button on the wall.

After a bit of time, the other four members of S.E.E.S arrived into the room with their weapons in hand and fully dressed in their school uniforms.

"We're here!" Yukari exclaimed as they all rushed through the door.

"Where is the son of a bitch!" Junpei shouted.

"We've detected a shadow outside of Tartarus..." Mitsuru explained "...It seems to be another big one."

"You mean..." Miyuki began to speak.

"...Like the one from the night Miyuki and I awoke our Personas?" Takuya asked, finishing his sister's sentence for her.

"Exactly." Mitsuru confirmed.

"Then let's get out there and show this shadow who's the boss!" Miyuki exclaimed.

"I appreciate your excitement, but please do be careful." Mitsuru commented.

"Of course, Mitsuru-chan!" Miyuki replied happily.

"Takuya, you're in charge." Mitsuru vocally appointed Takuya leader once more, Junpei's expression instantly turned to one of frustration.

"Him again?!" Junpei complained.

"Yes, him again." Mitsuru shot back sternly "He's the most suited for the position."

Junpei simply growled and let out a passive aggressive "Fine." in response.

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