Dr.Caustic // Ch.3

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Octavio and I talked for a bit and decided we would watch movies at his place after the Apex games which start tomorrow. I can feel the butterflies fluttering inside of my stomach, I want to vomit. I am just so nervous "What if I slow my team down?" "What if I slip up and risk my squad getting eliminated?" Thoughts like these have been popping up from time to time causing me to wonder if it was worth it to join the games.
    A man with a familiar face walks towards me grunting and coughing into his fist, he looks me straight into the eye and asks me if I feel alright, I was kinda shocked that he showed even the slightest bit of concern for me since he seemed annoyed by me when we first met.

  "I don't think I've introduced myself to you yet  monsieur Caustic, my name is Natalie Paquette and will be known as Wattson in the area! I tell him with happiness in my tone, "I shall refer to you as 'Ms.Paquette' then." he tells me "Unless you prefer to be called something else;" I realize how intimating he really is and try to cause some kind of conversation, "So...umm what do you do monsieur Caustic?"

   "I like to experiment with noxious gas on my..'willing'..subjects." he lets out another cough. "SO YOU'RE A SCIENTIST JUST LIKE ME!" my eyes widen in shock and excitement and let my feelings take over , "I love to experiment with electricity! Which is why I decided to call myself WATTson, get it?" I giggle, me and my Papa actually design the ring for the games.

  "So you're the mastermind behind such astonishing technology..,but my science is a bit different from yours Ms.Paquette; I guess you could say i'm a bit of..a mad scientist." his tone darkens, "I've taken quite an interest to you Ms.Paquette, I hope we have more encounters like this in the future." Before he could turn around to walk away I run up and hug him as tightly as I can "Thank you." I tell him "For comforting me." he turns around and rubs my head causing my hair to be all messy
  "Thank you too,Ms.Paquette." and heads into his room.
I look up at the ceiling, "He kind of reminds me of you, Papa."

To be Continued..
//I kinda wanted to build into the relationship of Caustic and Wattson a little bit, don't hate me :<
  419 words wow

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