Vacation // Ch.16

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I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing, I look over to see it on the night stand next to me, I try to push  it toward me with my leg but it ended up falling on the floor. "Ugh, why me?" I manage to make myself get up and grab it. "3 Missed calls from Ajay." Still half asleep I call her back, "Why haven't you answered any of my calls?!"

I pull the phone away from my ear a little since she was being a little loud, "I'm sorry Ajay." I yawn, "I was asleep." it's silent, "Asleep?! Yuh gon be late Nat!" I stand there confused, "Late for what?" I can here her face palm from her end of the line "The bus to take us to the private resort! We are all going on vacation. Remember?!"

I snap out of my sleepy trance, "Oh no! Merci Ajay!" I instantly hang up and rush to the bathroom to get ready, I completely forgot about how everyone is going on vacation since they are going to do maintenance work in the arena before we get back to participating in the games. I brush my teeth and hop in the shower. I spend about 20 minutes getting ready before packing my things.

I grab my suitcase and start packing my clothes, toothbrush, swimwear, etc. I look over at my Nessie sitting on my bed. "I'm sorry but i'm gonna have to leave you behind." I hold back tears, leaving behind Nessie is one of the hardest things for me. I look into Nessie's eyes. "Don't be sad Nessie, I'll be back soon." I give it one last goodbye and kiss the top of it's small green head before grabbing my suitcase and head out the door.

I rush down the stairs into the lobby where I see everyone waiting for the bus, "Nat!" I hear someone call my name, I look to see Ajay, Renee and Elliott. Ajay comes over and karate chops the top of my head, "Learn to be on time!" Renee and Elliott laugh, I rub the back of my head embarrassed and smile, "I'm sorry Ajay."

I look over to see Octavio on his phone, he looks up at me and we make eye contact, He averts his eyes and I do the same, we haven't spoken in three weeks, It's been hard for me, I hope this ends soon. The bus arrives "I call dibs on Nat!" Ajay shouts. She hooks her arm with mine and we walk onto the bus, we leave our suitcases behind for the driver to put them in the storage area in the bus.

Ajay takes the seat next to Octavio and Bloodhound, she lets me take the window side and sits beside me. I look over at Octavio who has his earbuds in looking out the window, I sit and wonder what he's listening to. Elliott and Renee are sitting in front of us, Ajay stands up and looks down at them, she smiles. She pats my shoulder and whispers, "Look at this."

I stand up and look over to see Renee laying on Elliott's shoulder fast asleep while Elliott has his arm wrapped around her. "Aren't they so cute!" Ajay whispers with happiness in her voice. "I'm so happy for them." I whisper back before sitting back down. The bus starts to move, "Prepare yourself cause it's going to be a long ride, three hours to be exact!" the bus driver shouts.
It's been about an hour and thirty minutes, I look over at Ajay who has fallen asleep on my shoulder, drool dripping from her mouth. She looks so peaceful. I stay awake staring out the window, watching the cars and trees pass by, I look around the bus and see Octavio also fast asleep against the window. I don't make any sudden movement so I don't wake Ajay up.

I can feel my eyes getting heavier, I rest my head against the window admiring the scenery once more before falling asleep.

I feel someone tapping my shoulder, I wake up and look over to see Ajay I can tell she's excited. She pulls me up by my arm, i'm still sleepy.
"Rise and shine Nat, cause we're here!"

To Be Continued
//725 words// omg 1k reads tysm <3

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