Pancakes // Ch.10

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  I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing, half awake, I grab my phone from the nightstand. I was blinded by the brightness from coming from it, I turn the brightness down and look at the time "Huh..8:23 in the morning, wow I slept the night." I feel weight on my thighs, I look down "Oh...Octy is asleep on my thighs..." I sit there for a moment, then it hit me, "OH MY GOSH, OCTAVIO IS SLEEPING ON MY THIGHS!" I freak out "Wha-what is he doing he-here!", I then remember what happened last night, I almost explode from embarrassment. I can feel myself going red.

   I look back down and sleeping Octavio, he looks so peaceful, makes me feel all fluffy inside. I notice he's drooling, I grab a tissue and wipe off the drool from his face. He wakes up "Oh crap I didn't mean for wake up!" I think to myself, Octavio rubs his eyes, he's barely awake, "G'moring, Nat..." he gets up "G-G-Good morning Octavio!" he looks at me "You okay?" I bite my bottom lip "I'm fine!"
   "You seem nervous." he looks at me with concern, "I'm not!" he stands up, "If you say so, but you are a little red." he smiles and leans in forward giving me a peck on the lips, then kissing my forehead. "You're so cute." he tells me, I could feel my soul leave my body, it was overkill.

    My heart is racing "He's just so cute!~" I wish I could make moves like that on him too, but I don't know if I have the confidence to do it, maybe I can surprise him one day. "You stay here chica, i'll go make breakfast."

   "I'll help you!" I get up and march to the kitchen. I could here Octy chuckle, "What are ya in the mood for Nat?" I look at him, my eyes glisten "Pancakes!" I haven't had pancakes in so long. "I tried making them myself but I ended up starting a small fire."

    I nervously smile, Octavio looks at me in shock, "Well..I can teach you, Nat." "First you need to crack the eggs and put in the pancake mix." I grab and egg and crack it, some of the egg shells fall in the bowl. "Whoops..." I say "no te preocupes Nat", he grabs a spoon and scoops all the egg shells out. I grab the other egg and crack it but this time no egg shells fall in "Look Octy, no shells fell in!" He kisses my cheek, "I'm proud of you Nat." I look up at him and smile "Merci." Octavio pours the milk into the bowl. "Now it's time to mix it." he hands me a whisk, I try and mix it but Octavio stops me, "You're doing it wrong Nat, here let me show you."

    he places himself behind me then leans against my back. I could feel his breathing on my ear, I start to blush a little. With his hand on mine he guides me on how to mix the batter, "See Nat?" I wasn't paying attention to the mixing anymore, my mind was on Octavio, the warmth of his hands were so soothing, It made me want to fall asleep. "Nat?" I wake up from my daydream "Yeah? What is it?, "It seemed like you spaced out there amiga, you sure you don't wanna rest somewhere?"

   "I'm okay Octy, sorry to make you worry. So what's next?" he looks at me then looks back at the bowl, "Well, now... we cook it." he grabs a ladle and demonstrates how to pour the batter into the pan, I'm amazed at the perfection of his pancake, "Now your turn Nat." he hands me the ladle, I scoop up some batter and try to copy what Octavio demonstrated, "Its wonky..."              
I could see Octavio try to hold in his laughter, "What a...unique pancake you got there Nat-." he lets out a chuckle. "I look down at the floor in despair, Octavio comes over and gives me a hug. "Would it make you feel better if I gave you the pancake I made?" I hug him back, "Mhm.." Octavio tells me that he will do the rest of the cooking and goes to flip the pancakes, I sit at the table waiting for them to be done. "They're ready Nat."

  "Yay!" I'm excited to try the pancake Octavio made. "Here you go Nat." I looks at the pancake, it's so fluffy! "Merci, Octy." I grab the syrup and whipped cream and put them all over the pancake before I take a bite "Yum! It's so good!" I look over at Octavio, he looks back at me "¿Que pasó?" I cut a piece of the pancake  and bring it up to his mouth "Say Ahhhh." he looks around the room for second, "Ahhh." I feed him the piece of pancake, I can't contain myself he's just too cute. Octavio then looks and me and wipes my cheek, "You had some whipped cream there, Nat." he then licks the finger that had the whipped cream on it, I start to heat up. I quickly finish the rest of my pancake, and bring my plate to the sink, Octavio does the same. "I'll do the dishes,Na-", I take the plate from him "I'll do them!"

   "You sure, amiga?" I give him a gently smile "I insist.", "If you say so." he kisses my neck and then goes to the living room. My face was as red as a cherry and my body was tensed up, I hit my cheeks a couple of times, "Snap out of it Natalie!" I tell myself and start doing the dishes. I start to think about Octavio, I want more of his kisses, more of his hugs, I want him to touc-." I stop myself right there, "WHAT ARE THESE THOUGHTS?!" I hurry and finish the dishes, my mind keeps trying to wander into "those" thoughts but I try to think of other things. "I'm finished!" I put the clean dishes on the dish rack to dry and head to the living room.

    Octavio looks at me and I avoid eye contact, he doesn't react, "Che told me that Crypto came last night, while we were asleep.", "We should go say hi to him!" Octavio sighs, "I dunno Nat, Che told me he's not very friendly."
"He was probably just tired from arriving so late at night. I'm gonna go say hi to him." Octavio stands up from the couch. "I'll go with you Nat, something about him doesn't seem to sit right with me."

   "But you haven't even met him Octy." I giggle, "I know but still." I can see the concern on his face, "Well, alright." I tell him, I grab my keys and Octavio puts on his mask, "Why the mask Octy?", he pouts a little "I don't trust this guy enough to see my face." I chuckle a little and we head out the door. We head down the hall to where Crypto lives. I knock on the door, there's no answer, I knock again still no answer, "Okay last time before I give up." I knock on last time, I can hear footsteps walk toward the door, I take a deep breath, he opens the door and a little drone comes out, it's kinda cute. It then goes back inside and a man comes out. I can tell he was annoyed by our presence.
"What do you people want?"

To Be Continued
//1282 words, 488 reads, oh my gosh! thank you guys sm <3//

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