The Apex Games pt.1 // Ch.5

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I wake up to the ringing of an alarm on the small table next to the couch, I cover my ears and try to turn the alarm off with the my tip of my toes "comee onnn foott youu can reach it,sooo closee!" *thump* and that is when I realized I ended up knocking the alarm on the floor. "Ugh." I try and focus my morning blur vision on my clock that is across the room "12:23,huh?" my mind goes blank and then it hit me "12:23...12.23...OH NO THE GAMES ARE IN LESS THAN THREE HOURS!" I rush to the bathroom and spend about an hour to brush my teeth, shower,and geput on my blue jumpsuit and also my orange and white jacket. I grab my pylon and start rushing towards the door.

   Before I made it to the door something in the kitchen caught my eye and walk towards it. There's a little note on top of a covered plate, I ask myself "What's this?" and read note  "G'morning Nat, lo siento amiga; I didn't wake you up earlier, you were just sleeping so peacefully I just couldn't bring myself to wake you. Instead I brought my alarm and set it about 3 hours before the games."
P.S. I made you some breakfast so you could at least have something before the games!
P.S.S. I hope you like it!

    I place my hands on my red cheeks, I can feel my temperature rise "he made me breakfast!" I can barely contain myself. I place the note onto the table and remove the cover to reveal an omelette with diced tomatoes and lettuce on the side, "yum!" I cut a piece of the omelette to see cheese on the inside and I take a bite "délicieux!" I shout in my head, "it's a little cold but it's sooo yummy, I could die!" I had not idea he could cook this well, "I have to repay him for this somehow but I have no cooking experience."

   I think about what I should make for him and the first thing that comes to mind is cookies, I look up recipes on how to make chocolate chip cookies and they don't seem too hard, I write down everything I need to do to make it and hang it on my fridge before finishing my breakfast and heading out the door. I walk for a little down the main hall "Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something?" I look down at my legs and realized that I forgot my electrical fences, "WHY NOW?" I facepalm myself, I look up at the clock "Ok I still have about 45 minutes, if I hurry I can still make it." I run as fast as I can back to my place, I look in my room but I can't seem to find them, I then look in the kitchen then bathroom, nothing, "Where could they be?" I start to panic, "I only have 10 minutes!" I look down to see a part circular object coming out of the couch.

   I pull it out to see my fences coming from under the couch "Yess!" I run as fast as I can and hear the announcer through the speakets
  "The dropship will be leaving in 5 minutes."
I scream a little and try to run a little faster, by some miracle I made it but just barely. "You're late Ms.Paquette." "désolé!" I start panting and breathing heavily in exhaustion, there no sight of Octavio, "He's probably inside the dropship already." I think to myself as I try to catch my breath.

    I can see the rest of the legends entering the dropship, I try to catch up and end up bumping into someone, "owww" I rub my head and jokingly say "That hurt a lot, what are you made of metal?" and giggle. I open my eyes  to see that what I bumped into was indeed..made of metal. It was a tall blue robot with a screen on his chest that showed a yellow smiling face. He then says in a happy, exciting robotic tone.

To Be  Continued

woah 723 words sorry if this is a bit too long
which is why I've decided to make this into 2 parts :>

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