Drunk (NSFW) // Ch.18

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This chapter will contain sexual content, so if you're not comfortable reading that sort of thing please don't read this chapter! Thank you :>

  It's a couple more hours until the party, I finish unpacking. I don't know what to do, mostly everyone else has gone to have fun at the beach. "I kinda wanna try the bath." I think to myself and grab my phone to text Ajay, Anita and Renee, inviting them to join me in the bathhouse area. They all agreed to join, and I grow excited, I grab my towel but not a change of clothes since clothing will be provided after the bath...or so I heard.

  I hear a knock on my door and rush to open it revealing Anita and Ajay both in towels. "Why aren't you wearing your towel Nat?" Anita questions "What if people see?" I whisper. "Don't worry. If they try to do anything I'll show them whose boss." she and Ajay start to chuckle. I notice that Renee is nowhere near them, "Wait where's Renee?" Anita looks at me and smirks "She's going to be a little late...she's...um... busy."

  I am confused on what she meant by that but I don't bother to question any further, Ajay pushes me back inside my room and smiles, "Put ya towel on! But bring a change of underwear!" she winks, My face goes red and I quickly close my door. I rush to my room and take my clothes off as quickly as I can before putting on my towel. I look through my drawer to find my black underwear and take it with me.

  I head out to where Anita and Ajay were, "Okay, lets go guys!" Ajay shouts excitingly. We head downstairs and through the hallway to where the bath was, there where two entrances one in red with "Women" written on it and another in blue with "Men" written on it. We head into the women's one. Ajay and Anita take off their towels revealing their nude bodies. I stand there too embarrassed to take my towel off.

"What's wrong with yuh Nat? Nervous?" Ajay walks over stripping me of my towel. I shriek in  shock, "See? Nothing to worry about. Now come on."Ajay smiles and pulls me along and we head toward the bath. I'm surprised she didn't react to the scars outlining the right side of my body like branches. Ajay is the first to get in the water followed by Anita then me.

"The water feels so good on my skin." I say sinking into the water with only the top half of my head sticking out. "I could fall asleep here." Anita snickers, "We gotta stay awake and alive for the party though. In about thirty-five minutes we should head out." I try to strike up a conversation, "Seems like Renee couldn't make it.", "Yeah seems like she couldn't, But forget about Renee for a sec, how are you and...Octavio?" Anita whispers.

My face goes red, "I..um-", Anita starts to laugh, "it's okay girly, things will go your way soon." Anita says then after a few moments We all ended up sitting and talking for about the rest of the time we had left, It was shockingly fun. Anita then stands up and says "Sorry to destroy the fun but it's time to head out." Ajay and I get up and head to the changing room.

We dry off and tell each other jokes in between changing. "Nat look! These are so cute!" Ajay shows me the robe she's put on.
"Apparently we are suppose to wear these once we are done bathing." Ajay goes and hands me one, I slip it on, "isn't this a little short Ajay?" I look in mirror to see it's a little higher than knee length. "It's the only one left."she tells me.
Looks like i'm gonna have to deal with it, "at-least it's comfortable" I tell myself.

We all walk out feeling refreshed and relaxed. Anita leads us to where the party is going to be taking place. Once we arrive everyone greets us, I catch Octavio looking at me and I start to feel the butterflies start to form in my stomach. I avert my eyes and take a seat at the center table next to Ajay. There are snacks and alcohol all across the table. Pathfinder turns on some music to get the party started "Enjoy friends."

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