Crypto // Ch.11

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  "What do you people want?" Crypto stares at me with inconvenience, I glance over at Octavio, I can tell he didn't want to be here anymore. "Nice to meet you, my name is  Natalie Paquette and this is Octavio who is my-uhm-er-close friend!" Octavio then murmurs something that I can't comprehend. "I could care less about you and that boy." he turns away, "Just leave, I am in no desire to speak with you much longer." I notice Crypto starting to walk back inside, I can't let it end this way.

  "Wait!" I grab his left arm "Cryp-" he strikes me in the stomach with his right elbow, it knocks me to the ground. "Ouch!" I rub the back of my head, the pain in my stomach is hard to ignore. "Are you an idiot?! Never sneak up like that again, see what happe-" Octavio rushes over and lands a lands a punch on Crypto's cheek, I realize this was bad...real bad, "You're going to regret this." Octavio goes to throw another punch but Crypto grabs his arm  and punches him in the face, there's blood dripping from Octavio's nose, I can't watch this.

   I fight the pain in my stomach and get up, "HOW DARE YOU HURT HER!" Octavio yells, Crypto kicks his lower stomach and causes Octavio to vomit, "Shut your mouth, boy." the fighting starts to get worse, Octavio gets up and manages to scratch Crypto's face, Everyone start to come out of their rooms. Ajay and Pathfinder rush over, "Stop it guys!" I yell, it didn't work. Ajay holds back Octavio and Pathfinder helps her, I rush over and hold back Crypto, Elliott comes out and helps me. Anita comes out with Bloodhound, "What the hell is going on here?!"

"Crypto and Octavio got into a fight." Ajay explains to her, Octavio and Crypto start to yell at each other. I start to tear up a little and ended up crying on Crypto back. He notices and becomes silent. It's been a few minutes since the fight, they both ended up calming down but once they did Ajay didn't hold back, she starts to scold them until their souls came out. "What the hell is wrong with ya? This ain't no fight club, you're lucky I don't go and beat ya both to a pulp. The nerve of you two, hmph.." she then goes to her room to get D.O.C, her healing drone. Pathfinder has been making and effort to make me feel better, he even gave me a juice box and a high five.

   I look over at Octavio and Crypto, "It was a mistake coming here, I'm sorry." I murmur, Ajay comes back with D.O.C and starts to heal them, she calls me over so she can heal me too but I politely decline, "I'm fine Ajay, the pain in my stomach is gone." it was a lie, I just could not bring myself to be near them right now.

   She comes over and pushes my stomach a little with her finger, I close my eyes in pain. "See it's not gone." she lifts up my shirt and sees a bruise where Crypto struck me. "Come here." she says and helps me up, but as soon as we get up her drone is out of juice. "Shoot." she says, "Tomorrow come by and i'll heal ya."

    "Sounds good." I smile at her, she waves me goodbye and heads back to her home, and so does everyone else. Elliott goes into Renee's house but I think nothing of it since they are close friends. Octavio and Crypto start to get up, I walk over to them, I have to apologize
"I'm so sorry." Crypto flicks my forehead, "It's not your fault, idiot." he starts to walk pass us and whispers into Octavio's ear, but I manage to hear everything, "You're weak boy, you can't even protect those you care about." Octavio grits his teeth and forms a fist but doesn't strike, "Don't listen to him, Octy. He's just trying to get into your head." I give him a hug from behind. "But he's right, I am weak." I feel something drop on the back on my hand, it's wet. I realize what it is, my eyes widen and I turn Octavio toward me. There's tears in his eyes, I couldn't bare this sight, I start to wipe away his tears but they just keep coming back.

   I hold his hand and we head back to my place, I shut the door and don't even bother turning the lights back on. I look at his face, his eyes are red and puffy, I wipe the remaining tears away from his eyes but his painful expression still stays. I give him another hug, I start to tear up, he doesn't hug me back, he's like a mannequin. I start to cry on his chest, I hate seeing him in this state. I look up at him, and rest his head on my shoulder, more tears start to form in his eyes, I slide my back down against the door bringing Octavio down with me, we are both on our knees, hugging and crying on each other.
"i'm sorry...Natalie..."

To Be Continued

//885 words// sorry for uploading late :<

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