Stims and drones // Ch.22

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  I look at Octavio holding Crypto by his collar, Crypto doesn't look scared at all, just annoyed."Let me go now. You're nothing more than some idiot drug junkie." Crypto then punches his stomach causing Octavio to let go and lose his footing. Octavio gets up charging forward him tackling him to the ground. They both start punching and scratching each other relentlessly.

I want to stop them but I can't, i'm frozen in fear. They're like two dogs mauling each other out. Octavio starts pressing his arm onto Crypto's windpipe leaving him gasping for air as he reaches into his back pocket pulling out a glowing green syringe. Me and Crypto's eyes widen in disbelief, "He can't b-be serious." I stutter. Octavio starts forcing his arm down trying to inject Crypto with the syringe.

He's fighting for his life as he tries pulling Octavio's arm away from him but Octavio's arm slowly starts moving downward. I can see the panic in Crypto's eyes, "Are you insane?!" Crypto shouts but Octavio doesn't respond. His bloodthirsty revenge getting the best of him.

"I need to do something!" I think but I can't think straight given the current situation. I try to calm myself down a little and rush toward Octavio and Crypto, Wrapping my arms around Octavio's stomach trying to get him off of helpless Crypto. I try pulling him backwards but he barely budges. "Octy...stop this, this isn't like you!" he ignores me. "Why?!" he shouts, I bury my head in his back. "Why did you decide to kiss her, huh?!"

I look up at him in shock "K-kiss?" I quickly regret my words as it fuels his rage even more.
Octavio lands a hit on Crypto's nose causing it to bleed nonstop. He looks him straight in the eye, "Because, I love her." Octavio grits his teeth in anger. I notice Crypto is losing the battle of getting injected, he looks so worn out, his body can't handle this much as his arms eventually give out.

I realize now this gives Octavio a perfect opportunity to inject him. I try pulling him away as hard as I can shutting my eyes hoping a miracle will happen. It was silent, too silent, I hear glass hit the ground as I open my eyes to see Octavio in tears and the syringe across the room near the wall.

"N-no puedo." he mumbles. I see the relief in Crypto eyes, I look around to see little droplets and smears of blood spread around on the ground. I look up at Octavio and give him a smile, "I'm so glad.." tears of joy run down my face as I try slowly wiping them away.

I help both Crypto and Octavio up from the ground. I wipe away Octavio's tears, I pull out some napkins and help wipe the blood from both Octavio's and Crypto's faces. I dial up Ajay telling her to meet me in the lounge to treat them both. While we wait, I walk over to Crypto laying the couch touching his bruised lip.

"I'm sorry Crypto but my heart belongs to someone else." I tell him looking over at Octavio. He grabs my hand and kisses the back of it, I quickly pull it away. "You have poor taste in men. I get you to realize whose truly right for you eventually." he winks

"It's like he's Elliott's clone or something ." I think to myself and walk away. I hear footsteps in the hallway coming toward the lounge. Ajay appears at the entrance with a first aid kid and her D.O.C. She looks at the boys with frustration. "What have yuh done this time!?" she taps her foot, she doesn't even wait two seconds before marching over to both of them giving them their own separate beating.

A couple minutes pass and Crypto and Octavio are patched up and healing by Ajay's D.O.C. "These boys are something else." she chuckles, shaking her head. I look at her and we both start to giggle.
"I know right?"

To Be Continued
//707 words// Sorry for being late again, school has been keeping me busy lately but i'll try to upload as soon as I can. :>

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