Misunderstanding // Ch.15

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"Come in, come in." I invite everyone inside, I start to feel anxious, "What's going on?","Is it something bad?" thoughts like these start flowing through my head. I lead everyone into my room, Anita and Renee sit on the beanbags near my desk while Ajay and I sit on my bed.

Ajay looks at me with worry, "So what did you wanna talk about." I ask, preparing myself for the worst. Ajay pulls out the newspaper and shows me the front page. My eyes widen, I couldn't believe what I was seeing, "Apex Legend Crypto caught secretly meeting up with Wattson at her own home! Could they be more than just friends?" 

  Below the headline were two photos of me and Crypto, one was both of us heading inside my house and the other picture was of us hugging. I sit there in awe, I have no words. "So...are you guys a thing?" Renee plainly asks."Of course not! This is entire thing is a misunderstanding!" rage fills my body. "Crypto and are just friends!"

Anita gets up and puts her hand on my shoulder, "It's okay girly, we believe you." Ajay comes over and gives me a warm hug, it's makes me feel a little bit better. "Wait, isn't it forbidden to intrude on our personal lives without our consent?" Renee interrupts "Yeah." Ajay sighs. I rest my head on Ajay's shoulder, "Why would someone do this? I'm already going through enough as it is."

"I don't know,Nat." Ajay replies, "Yuh gon wanna clear this up, since everyone knows about this." she looks me in the eye "And I mean everyone." I'm on the verge of breaking down but I stay strong. "Go to him and clear things up a bit ya hear?" Ajay smiles, Anita and Renee sit there confused but after a few seconds they exchange looks at each other and grin.

All of us get up from the spots we were in, Anita, Ajay and Renee start to grab their things before leaving, I escort them to the door. "Thanks for having us Nat!" Ajay waves and smiles and just like that everyone was gone.

I realize I had my own things to take care of, I put on a pair of sneakers before heading out the door. I head over to Octavio's home and knock on the door, there's no answer, I knock again, still no answer. "Maybe he isn't home?"
I take a seat on the floor against his door and wait for him. It's been about an hour, I start to feel sleepy, I look up at the time, "10:30." I sigh.

I slap my cheeks to wake myself up more, I can't fall asleep here. My eyes feel heavy, my eyes slowly start to close, I can't keep them open no matter how hard I try and fall asleep.

I hear footsteps getting closer and closer to me and I wake up. I look up to see Octavio staring down at me with disgust. I get back up on my feet, "Octavio I-" he interrupts "Why are you here? Go back to messing around with Crypto, it seems he's your type, a perfect match." he then goes to open his door but I stop him.

"Octavio, please...listen to me, it's all a misunderstanding, I swear." he moves me out the way from his door. "I don't wanna hear it Nat." he unlocks his door and opens it. He starts heading inside. I grab hold of his arm and hug him from behind, "Please don't go...don't leave me like you did that night."

I hide my face full of tears in the back of his shirt. "That newspaper article isn't true, I don't have feelings for him, the only person I have feelings for is you...Octavio." I feel him hesitate, he pulls me to his front side and make eye contact. He wipes the tears from my eyes, I pull down his mask and get on the tips of my toes. My lips make contact with his, I can see the shock on his face.

He wraps his arm around my waist pulling me closer and kisses me back softly before pulling away. "I'm so sorry for hurting you Octy." he stood silent, his facial expression said it all. "You still have some explaining to do Nat." he grabs my hand and leads me inside.

This was my first time in Octavio's home, I look around to see used stims and magazines scattered everywhere, it was a mess. "I know it's a mess, don't mind it." he takes a seat on the couch and pats the cushion next to it with his hand, signaling me a to sit next to him, I take a seat.

I start to play with my bangs, I tell him about that day hoping that he can forgive me. "Once again I'm sorry Octavio, I really am." I look over at Octavio starting down at the ground, "I-I need time to think, for now I think we should not see each other for a couple days." I look at him and smile, "It's fine, no rush." I get up from the couch and start walking out the door leaving Octavio alone.

  I head back to my place, it was dark. I didn't bother to turn the lights back on. My back is placed against the door, I look up at the ceiling and feel myself start to slide down the door slowly, tears start to form, my emotions take over, I start to cry, I tuck my head in my knees, the tears just don't stop. I tried playing it cool in front of Octavio but the truth is, when I heard those words
It felt like a knife just penetrated my heart.

To Be Continued
//978 words//

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