Shattered // Ch.20

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(Third person)

Octavio heads over to Natalie's room wanting to spend time with her, he even brought some movies that Natalie enjoyed so they can watch it together. He goes a knocks on the door but there's no answer. "Nat?" he shouts. He knew something was off. He dials her number, he taps his foot repeatedly in worry. He could hear her phone ringing from the other side of the door, something really was off.

Worry starts to dwell inside him as he places the movies down in front of her door before rushing to find her. "Hi friend! What's the rush? Which is weird to ask since you always are!" Octavio looks up to see the tall blue robot standing happily in front of him. "Have you seen Nat anywhere?"

Crypto walks down the hall about to turn the corner where Pathfinder and Octavio reside but stops when he overhears them talking, eventually eavesdropping the conversation. "I haven't seen Nat in hours, it's already ten. I tried checking to see if she was in her room but she wasn't and when I tried calling her, she didn't answer but I heard her phone ring through the door."

Pathfinder's yellow smile turns blue hearing the news. "Oh, no! That's a big problem, isn't it?" Octavio nods. "I have seen her walking along the beach earlier through that window over there." he says in his robotic tone. Crypto eyes widen, he starts speed walking down the hallway with nothing but Natalie on his mind.

"Is she alright?..Where is she?...Is she safe?" his speed walking starts to get faster and faster as it eventually turns into running. He rushes to her door knocks on it impatiently "Natalie!?" he shouts. He pulls his drone out as quickly as he can and hacks the keycard lock on the door. and barges in.

"Natalie you here?!" he checks every room but she wasn't there. He signals his drone back making his way as quick as possible to the beach. It's pitch black, the stars and moon reflecting off the clean water as the tides slowly come in and out. "Nat?!" Crypto looks over to see Octavio walking along the water shouting Natalie's name.

Crypto watches him in disgust, he doesn't want Octavio to get in his way, Heading the opposite direction from Octavio he sees something in the distance, a bunch of trees. "She couldn't have.." he runs over to the strange area, seeing that it has been disturbed. he looks beyond the bushes seeing footprints.

"That idiot." he scoffs pulling his drone out to scope out the area, he goes around the forest trying to find where she went. After a few minutes of searching he comes across a weird structure. He backs out of his drone and runs into the forest like there's no tomorrow, shoving branches and bushes out of his way.

He finally makes it to the structure, he looks at it's condition. "I need to get her out of here now." he thinks to himself as he slowly opens the door, his heart drops at the sight, gluing his eyes shut and turning away. He couldn't bare to see her like that, dirt and scrapes all over her with dried blood smudged on her knee from her wound.

  He takes off his jacket and places on top of Natalie's sleeping body carrying her in his arms as if she were a princess, resting her head against his chest. He touches the tip of her nose with his, she was ice cold. He pulls her in closer to him with pain in his heart. He walks out eventually making his way back to the beach.

He sees Octavio standing outside the forest entrance looking at him and Natalie in shock. "Nat-" Crypto stops him giving him the death stare as he shoves him out the way making him fall on his back. Crypto sucks his teeth at him before heading back to the resort leaving Octavio in the sand.
Crypto makes it back to the resort, many of the other legends gather around Crypto. "Everyone back away, give them space yuh hear!" Ajay shouts extending her arms pushing everyone back. "Follow me." she says and Crypto tails behind her with Natalie still in his arms.

  He carefully lays Natalie down on the couch in the lounge. Ajay cleaning off her face and wounds, patching up whatever needed patching after. "She's going to be fine." Ajay smiles. "This girl is something else." she chuckles. "Thanks." Crypto responds, "Can you leave us alone for bit?"

Ajay looks at him with curiosity but decides to leave along with the rest of the legends leaving him and Natalie alone. His face leaning over hers, his face starts to get a little red. He hears robotic footsteps coming toward them from the hallway, they stop. He glances over undetected realizing that Octavio was watching them.

  He caresses Natalie's cheek with his thumb and leans forward meeting his lips with hers. "I love you, Natalie." he says in a way in which Octane would hear, he glances over to see that Octavio was no longer there and smirks. "Serves you right." he mutters under his breath before leaning in kissing her again. He feels Natalie start to move causing him to quickly pull away.

To be Continued

//900 words// s o r r y :>


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