Jealousy //Ch.8

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  There's buzz going around today about a new guy joining us, ever since the tower collapsed in King's Canyon yesterday everyone's been a little down  because they had to postpone the games, but i'm so excited to have someone new. I try to find some decent clothes to wear since first impressions matter, it took me about 30 mins to find out what I want to wear, I ended up settling with a brown turtleneck, black leggings, jean shorts and some black sneakers.
   I check myself out in the mirror for a bit "I wonder if Octavio would think i'm cute in this."  my face turns a bright red, i'm in awe of what I thought to myself." I slap my face gently "This isn't to impress Octavio, stupid! It's just for the new guy!" I head to the front door and notice the picture of Papa sitting on the table next to the front door, I pick it up at kiss it softly; "I'm heading out, Papa." and head out the door.
   I go down the stairs leading to the cafeteria where Ajay, Anita and Renee wanted to meet me. "Woah this cafeteria is so huge!" I tell myself in shock, it's my first time in here, I start looking around for them. "Natalie,over here!" I turn around to see Anita calling my name while Ajay was waving at me.
I walk to their table and take a seat next to Renee, "Did ya here about the new guy that's gonna be joining us?" Ajay asks "Yeah! I'm excited to see who it is." Anita sips her coffee and tells how that his records are completely clean which she finds a bit odd and also goes by the name "Crypto." I also think it's a bit weird that his records are completely clean. Renee gets up to go get something to eat and invites Anita along with her.
It's just me and Ajay we sit in silence for a few seconds, "Me and Silva plan to go out soon wanna tag along with us Natalie?" My eyes widen a bit and I don't hesitate with my answer, "Yes! of course." Ajay smiles "That's great to hear. Meet us at the front entrance in 20 minutes i'm gonna go text Silva about you coming along, don't be late now ya hear!"
"I won't!" I tell her, Ajay gets up and waves me goodbye before leaving the cafeteria. I see Renee and Anita come back to the table laughing but the laughter quickly turned into smirking and subtle giggling when they saw that Ajay wasn't here anymore. "Should we ask her?" Renee asks Anita, I sit there so confused on what's happening. "Yeah, I mean it obvious, right?" I feel more and more lost by the second; "What are you guys talking about?" Renee takes a seat and asks me, "So what's going on between you and Octavio, hmm?" I blush a little, "What ever are you talking about?" I let out a nervous laugh, avoiding any sort of eye contact. "You know...are you guys like together?" I almost choke on my water "WHAT?!" she looks at me "I'm guessing you're not then." Anita chimes in "You do like him though right?" I quickly deny, even though I was lying, Renee and Anita don't buy it though.
"Whatever you say Nat." Anita sarcastically whispers. "Well me and Renee are gonna head over to the firing range, you can tag along with us if you'd like." I politely decline the offer "I'm gonna hang out with Ajay and Octavio today." Renee and Anita exchange looks with each other before getting up to leave "See ya Natalie." Renee tells me and waves goodbye before leaving the cafeteria with Anita.
I start to twiddle my thumbs around in boredom, I look up at the clock "10 more minutes, feels like an eternity." I start to look through my phone to pass the time, it's been 20 minutes, "What is taking them so long?" I get a text from Ajay "Where are you? We don't see you at the front entrance?" I realize my mistake and facepalm myself. I get up and run to the front entrance. "Sorry..abo-about getting here late-." I bend over to try to catch my breath, "You ok amiga?" Octavio reaches his hand out to help me up. "Merci" I tell him, he gives me a gentle look and smiles, I can feel myself turning red and quickly turn my face away.
"Alright, let's go guys." Ajay yells in excitement, we wait for the bus, "Nat, me and Octavio agreed on going to the Aquarium, is that okay with you.?" my eyes widen "I've never been the Aquarium before, i've always wanted to go!" Octavio and Ajay stare at me in shock.
"Wow Nat, you're the first person i've met who has never been to the aquarium before."
Octavio then walks up to me and whispers "Now that I know you've never been there before it makes me wanna take you, just me and you." and then walks away, I can feel myself melting away and those words start to replay in my head "just me and you.. just me and you...just me and y-." the bus arrives, Ajay gets on first and Octavio follows behind which leaves me last, when I get on the bus I notice Octavio and Ajay sitting together laughing...Octavio puts his arm around Ajay and they start to talk about their childhood in Olympus and when they met. There no room in the seat that they're sitting in so I take the seat behind them and watch them have fun, my smile starts to fade and I feel like crying inside.
It hurts to watch them, "they must be really close." I tell myself, I sit there in silence, I feel pain start to grow in my chest. "I should have never came here." I can feel tears start to run down my face, I wipe them away quickly so I don't attract any attention.
"Why does it hurt so much?"

To be Continued

//1031 words, sorry for being late again. //

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