A different side // Ch.21

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"Octy...?" I reach out my hand, I feel somebody holding it slowly placing it on his cheek it wasn't the same touch. "Natalie, it's me Crypto." my eyes widen "Where's Octavio?" he sucks his teeth and averts his eyes pulling me into his arms. "Forgot about him for now, he's probably busy doing...something else." I pull away from his embrace sitting up and fiddling with my thumbs. "Has he not come to visit me?"

  It's silent, I can feel my heart slowly breaking each second that passes by. Crypto sighs and shuts his eyes "No he hasn't." I look up at him with my pain filled eyes. "Listen Nat, a guy like Octavio cares about nothing more than his drugs and stunts. You're nothing more than a simple distraction, a pawn in his game, he's using you Nat." I slowly get up from the couch that i've rested on, walking away slowly wiping tears from my eyes.

"Natalie, think." he tells me before I exit the room without a response. "He's wrong, Octavio is good person. He would never use anyone." I tell myself, I make it back to my room where I see a stack on movies that have been left outside of my door. I look at the covers seeming that they are some of my favorites. I fall to my knees, "Octy..." I plead.

Tears start to run down my face, I want to see him. I slowly get up and devote myself to look for him. I wipe the tears from my eyes and rush over to his room, I stand in front of the door
anxiously, eventually I knock on the door causing it to open slowly. "Octy?" I grab the handle pushing the door open. "Sorry for barging in..." I whisper

I walk over to his living room, it's still a mess. I pick up all the loose stims and papers from the floor placing them on his nightstand. "Octy? You here?" I look over to see his room door closed, I make my way over and open the door. My eyes widen, I can feel myself breaking. "Octavio!" I rush over, he was sitting there on the floor looking up at the ceiling blankly, his eyes were puffy and red with tears still in his eyes.

He turns his head to face me, "What's wrong?" I ask him worryingly but he doesn't respond, he picks himself up heading to leave for the door. I grab hold of his arm stopping him. "Octy...this isn't like you...please, stay." he turns himself my way before grabbing my arm pulling my up. I stand there in shock "Octy? What are yo-" he pushes me onto his bed, pinning me.

I look into his eyes with worry, "What's gotten into you?" he doesn't respond. He starts to carcass my cheek with his warm fingers before leaning in to kiss me. I see the tears falling from his face as he kisses me, he's hurting. "Has Crypto done anything else to you?" he slowly murmurs. I look at him in confusion, "what are you talking about?"

He goes in to kiss me again but I pull away. "Octavio, what do you mean by that?" he looks at me with his now rage filled eyes. "I'll kill him." he grabs his mask and hurries out leaving me with more questions but I knew something bad was about to happen. I quickly get up tailing behind him, I didn't like this side of Octavio, it was scary.

He barges in the lounge area where Crypto is resting. Heading over to him grabbing his shirt collar.
"I'll kill you."

To Be Continued
//644 words// Sorry this is a bit shorter, i've been lacking motivation these past few days, i'm sorry. I might rewrite this when my motivation makes its way back to me :>

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