The forest // Ch.19

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  I wake up, there's a sharp pain in my head, I sit up and rub the back of my head hoping it would soothe the pain "Ouch." I whine trying to think back to last night but it's still a blur, all I can remember is drinking a cup of beer. The rest is still fuzzy, I get up to get some water hoping that it will help get me over this headache.

I start to make my way to the kitchen but something feels off. I look around the room and see a used syringe on the floor. That's when it clicked, "This isn't my house. Wha-how did I get here?!" I start to freak out. I rush to the front door and open it only to find Octavio standing in front of me.

"G'morning coneji- NAT." he yelps averting his eyes quickly as his face turns into a bright red. "What's wrong?" I ask, he points at me his hands shaking, "Your...Your...Robe." I look down to see that my robe has been undone revealing my nude body. I have no words, I'm so embarrassed that I want to go cry somewhere. I quickly turn around and fix my robe.

"I see you're back to normal." Octavio smiles. "What do you mean normal?" I look up at him with worry and curiosity. "I feel that if I told you, you'd freak out on me." he rubs my head, "Just know it felt like you were a different person." he winks.

"Hmph!" I pout, he pulls me in close by my waist and kisses my cheek. "I'll tell you soon enough." he gives me gentle expression, I really can't stay mad at him. "Fine." I softly murmur as he chuckles at me.
I head back home, and get ready for a nice shower, I take off my robe and look in the mirror to see a new hickey on top of the old ones, "Huh? I don't remember having this."
I go over it with my hand, I think back to when Octavio wouldn't tell me about yesterday and just told me that "It felt like I was different person." my eyes start to widen, "Did it can't be." I start to burn up trying to get my mind out of the gutter.

"I'd never...right?" I shake my head and head into the shower hoping to get my mind off of this. I spend about twenty minutes in the shower before getting out, my skin was tinted red from the heat of the water.  I dry off and put on an  a denim overall dress, a yellow T-shirt and a pair of sandals then head down the the beach area near the resort. "Wow, belle! It's so beautiful." It's my first time here on the beach.

I take off my sandals and hold them in my hand as I walk along the crystal clear water, my feet in the warm soft sand. It was relaxing. I spend a few minutes gazing at the horizon as the wind blew through my short hair. I look over to see an area with a lot of trees and other plant life. I put on my sandals and head over to the mysterious area.

"Woah." I stood there amazed at how pretty the forest is. I part the large bushes with my hands, I start to make my way inside as one of the branches scrapes my left knee. I don't pay any mind to the minor injury's as I was more curious in exploring the forest. I start to climb over rocks and leap over small rivers as I got deeper and deeper into the forest.

I spend about four hours roaming free, I managed to rest at a rock with a nice ocean view, I look up at the sky to see that it's starting  to get late and the clouds were turning grey signifying that it was it was going to rain. I get up and dust off my rear as I start to make my way back. I start jumping over rocks and going through bushes hoping to find the exit.

I spend hours trying to find my way out but no luck, I start to panic. "No, no, no! This can't be happening." I start run around trying to remember where I came from. I feel a wet drop fall on my nose, I look up to see that more droplets are falling followed by the sounds of thunder. "!" I shout, I slip and fall onto the dirt getting my clothes and parts of my skins dirty.

  I embrace myself in fear "Get a hold of yourself Natalie." I try calming myself down since panicking won't help the situation any better. "It's cold." I shiver, I need to find some shelter until the rain stops at least. I get up from the ground, I look down to see that my sandal strap has broken. I take off my sandals, now walking barefoot in the rain.

I start to wander around trying to find a good place to take shelter. It's been a while, it's completely dark. I look over to see a small abandoned shed in the stranded and at its worst condition but I don't complain. I try to searching my pockets to see if I had anything, all I had was my keycard and a couple of mints.

  "Is this how it's ends?" slowly giving up hope. I rest my head on my knees trying to at least get some rest ignoring the fear. I'm startled at the random sounds of thunder and the aggressive wind slamming the broken windows shut. I start to silently cry into the palms of my hands, i'm so afraid.
" me."

To Be Continued
//969 words// over 2k views tysm guys ;3;

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