Awkward // Ch.17

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Ajay and I walk off the bus, I rub my eyes and pat my face to wake myself up a little more, "You guys stay here Ajay and I are gonna check all of us in. Got it?" Anita shouts before getting Ajay and heading into the resort. The driver starts to place all our luggage's on the ground for us to take inside.

"I really want to take a nap" I think to myself. I head over to the luggage pile and start scavenging for mine. After a few seconds of looking I finally found it. I also grabs Ajay's for when she comes back. I look over at Octavio whose oddly quiet. I want to talk to him but I don't have the courage to make a move. I can feel my heart racing at the thought of him.

Ajay and Anita walk out with a bunch of cards in hand. They start to pass them out in a specific order, "These are the keys to your rooms, fancy eh?" Anita says. I look at the room number on my key, "Room 114" I realize that everyone was already heading inside the resort without me. I hurry and catch up.
  Everyone makes it upstairs to the rooms, I start to look around to find mine, "110...111...112...113...114!" I grab my keycard from my pocket and slide it in the keycard holder. I look over to my right, I see Octavio open the door next to mine, "Seems like we're neighbors." I think to myself, Octavio looks over at me and I smile, he looks at me for a few seconds and waves, we both head inside our room without saying a word to each other.

  I enter my room and turn the lights on, "It's so cute!" I place my suitcase on the ground and start to explore my new home for a couple weeks, I lay on the soft white bed and I turn to my side, "This is gonna be amazing... hopefully.  My number one priority is to have Octavio forgive me."

I start to unpack my things then hear a knock on the door. "Coming!" I rush to open the door, It's Anita. "Coming to the party happening later today?" I tilt my head in confusion "Party?"

"Yeah there's a party happening later today, it's gonna be fun, by the way can you tell Octavio about it?" she winks at me. "Wai-What?! I can't tell him, I don't think I can bring myself t-" she walks away, "What am I gonna do?" I look over at Octavio's room.
  It's been ten minutes, I start pacing around in a circle at the front of his door, "What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do?!" I build up courage to knock, I slowly move my hand toward the door. I hesitate for a bit before knocking a couple times. I hear the door slowly opening, I start to panic. "Que pas-Nat?"

"Ther-ther-theres-" I keep stumbling over my words, "T-There's gonna be a garty d-downstairs later!" he looks at me "A garty? what's that?" I facepalm myself in embarrassment, how do I mess up the word "party." he starts to giggle "I meant a party!" I pout.

"You're still as cute as the day I met you." He covers his mouth with his arm and looks away. "So you gonna be there Nat?" I look down at my feet. "Y-yeah." I glance up at him "" I can feel my face turning red.
the tension between us is very awkward. "So i'll see you then, Nat?".... "Yeah." he waves goodbye before closing his door. I hurry back to my room and onto my bed. I grab a pillow and scream in it.

"I did it! I told him about the party!" I start to feel butterflies in my stomach. I borrow my head into the pillow. "I just wish it wasn't so awkward!" I can't take my mind off him, I don't try to stop it, I let my mind wander.
"Has he gotten cuter?"

To Be Continued

//727 words// Sorry if this chapter is a little weird, but the next one is gonna be bit a more on the spicy side ;>

There may or may not be a drunk Nat ;>

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