Is This Love? // Ch.4

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  I hear knocking on my door, I try to ignore it since it was early morning but they just keep knocking. "What could someone possibly want at 6am." I ask myself forcing myself up from my bed, I rub my eyes and yawn before heading to see who is at the door. "Who is it?" I ask, I feel another yawn creeping it's way up. "It's me amiga." it took me a minute to realize who it was and I panic, "Just a sec!" I tell him and swallowed that creeping yawn, brushed off my pajamas and fixed my hair a little bit before opening the door.

  "What are you doing here at 6 in the morning, Octavio?" I say finally letting that yawn out, "I wanted to see you Nat." he tells me, I felt my heart skip a beat when he said those words to me, I invite Octavio inside. "WOAH, nice place you got here conejita, It really suits you!" still half asleep I tell him "Thanks." before sitting down on the couch, "You look tired amiga, you should get some rest." he whispers gently and sits beside me on the couch. I can feel my eyelids having an ongoing battle of closing and reopening, after a couple minutes I submit to
   my tired side and eventually fall asleep on Octavio.

      His warmth is so..soothing, I felt like i was high into the clouds, I open my eyes for second to see Octavio's arm around me and pulling me closer to him. I can feel my body burning up and my face turning pinkish red, I don't want to move and end ruining this moment. I notice that he took his hat off revealing his short fluffy brown hair. "He's so cute." I think to myself, "I don't want him to go."  I catch myself having these thoughts and almost slowly feel myself die from embarrassment.

   I notice that Octavio isn't moving and I move up a little to find out that he fell asleep. "He's so cute when he's sleeping.", before heading back to sleep I notice a teardrop barely hanging on to his eyelash. I now realize why he truly came here, he couldn't sleep. "You didn't have to hide it from me." I giggle quietly, hoping he didn't hear that

  I pause for a minute, I can feel my body moving upwards toward his head, my heart is pounding like crazy as if it was running a marathon, I close my eyes and lean my face inward towards his and give him a short gentle kiss on his forehead. I cover my face with my hands and shake my head in embarrassment.

  "Why did I do that?" I tell myself, "I'm so stupid, stupid, stupid!", after a minute of panicking quietly about the kiss I did, I take deep breath's which helped managed to calm me down enough to head back the old position I was in before making the biggest mistake of all time.

    I tuck myself back into Octavio's arm letting my thoughts roam free, but there was this one specific thought caught my attention before falling asleep once more, it makes me wonder,
"Is this love?"

To Be Continued
//546 words // hope you guys liked this :>

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