The Apex Games pt.2 // Ch.5.5

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"I haven't seen your face before, are you new, friend?", "Yes, I am, my name is Natalie Paquette but you can call me Wattson in the area." I give him a nice smile, "Wow! that's cool friend, people call me Pathfinder!" he wave his robotic hand at me and then asks me

"Have you seen my creator anywhere?"
"Your what?" curiosity fills my head as we board the dropship, "It seems you do not know." I can see that his happy face turned into a frowning face, I kinda feel bad for him, I hope he finds his creator soon. "High-five?" he says and I give him one.

    A man approaches me after Pathfinder goes elsewhere "Smiling robot giving you a hard time, eh?" he puts his arm around me and pulling me a bit closer to him. "The names Mirage but a pretty lady like you can call me whatever you want." I am slighty uncomfortable "Um.. nice to meet you."

   I start to look around the room and see Octavio starting at us, I can feel his aura from here and it's not a good one. "Mirage!" a small woman comes up to us and pulls Mirage away from me forcefully. ("The dropship will now be taking off.") I look up at the speaker in which the announcement was given. "Sorry, about this idiot over here he just doesn't know how to act, so you're the new guy,huh?" I glance at Octane across the room, he's not looking my way anymore it makes my heart ache. "Yeah, I am, my names Natalie, but you can call me Wattson during the games."

    my tone of voice changes to a much more unhappy one. "You ok?" she asks I glance over at Octavio once more and catch her smirking a little "The names Renee but my game name is Wraith." Mirage winks at me and Renee catches him, the sound of a big slap is what follows up next. "Renee why are you so mean to me, you jealous?" she turns red and hits him on the head twice more before dragging him away.

     ("Now arriving to King's Canyon")
everyone's starts gearing up while I stand here confused. I grab a jetpack and try to put it on but I don't know how "How does this work?!" at each attempt on trying to put it on I get more frustrated. "You having trouble, conejita? Let me help you." he takes the jetpack from me and teaches my how to put it on. "Th-thank you, Octavi-" he stops me "It's Octane now, amiga."

  "Oh, right! sorry" I tell him, I look down at my feet and fix the loose hairs sticking out from my bangs. ("The teams will now be decided, Bloodhound, Caustic, Mirage.") awkward silence comes between us as the announcer tells us the teams. "So, Octav-Octane, how have you been?" ("Lifeline,Wraith, Wattson.") I want to slap myself in the face, is that all I can come up with? "I'm all fired up amiga! looks like we are going against each other!" that's the one thing I didn't want to happen. I can't go up against him. (Octane, Gibralter,Bangalore")
Everyone's already on the jump stations

"Wattson!" I hear someone call my name which made me not get to hear the last team, I look over to see it's Wraith. I run over to them "Sorry!" there's a unfamiliar girl next to Wraith we haven't met before, "This is Lifeline." she tell me "Pleasure to finally meet ya! The mames Ajay Che ya hear, it's great to have another girl on the team." I smile "It's a pleasure to meet you too!"

"I'm the jump master" Wraith implies then looks at me with a subtle smile "Why don't you take the reins Wattson?" and passes jump master to me "Pardon?! I've never been jump master let alone how to use it!", "It's not that hard ya know, don't get yourself twisted, just pick a place ya wanna land and then ya jump." Lifeline reassures me.

I look around to see where I want to land and finally decide on a place "How about...Bunker?" they both look at me with shock, "Maybe i'll just pick a different plac-" "NO, it's fine!" Lifeline interrupts "But bunker is-" "Quiet, Wraith!" and then smiles at me but I don't trust that smile one bit.

("The drop will start in 15 seconds.")
I can feel the nerves in my body tense up a little bit as the times goes down.
("The drop will start in 10 seconds")
I look around the room to see everyone already preparing to jump.
("The drop will start in 5..")

   "Let's go girls!"and Lifeline pushes us off the dropship
"Woohoo!" she shouts "Ain't this fun Wattson?"
"Yeah it really is! Nothing beats the view from up here!" I shout
I glance over to see Dr. Caustic's team also heading towards bunker.
"Oh,no." I think to myself

   We land a few milliseconds before Caustic's team, he starts putting down his gas traps all over the interior of bunker, and that's when I realized..
I messed up.

   Gas starts spraying everywhere throughout bunker and we all start coughing, I can feel my insides burning up and after a few seconds I get downed and a few seconds after that Lifeline does too. Wraith manages to faze out.
Now I see why they were so anxious to come here, Dr.Caustic's domain.

I can see someone approaching me but I can't tell who. "I'm glad to see you as part...of my experiment, Ms.Paquette. and then shoots me in the face with a peacekeeper to finish me off.
("First Blood.")
"So I was first blood...?"
Wraith comes over and shoots Caustic with her flatline but then Bloodhound and Mirage come over and our squad was eliminated.
We respawn in the dropship and takes us back to the Apex Center to get our wounds treated.

"Aw, shoot." Ajay laughs, "We were the first squad taken out." she starts coughing as a result of being in Dr.Cautic's gas for so long.
"I'm so sorry guys. it's my fault, I chose to land a bad place." I start to tear up a little
"Aww don't push yourself. I lost my first match too ya know, it's not easy." I'm grateful that Ajay is trying to comfort me.

"Yeah.." Renee says, I can tell she angry from the tone of her voice.
("Now arriving at the Apex Center.")
I look out the window to see the nurses and doctors waiting for us outside.
("Now landing.")
We all get up and walk out the dropship, I can already tell something is wrong...I stop for a minute. "Ya ok?" Ajay I feel lightheaded and my visions blurred but at that exact moment
I black out.

To Be Continued

//I'm sorry for taking so long to post :(
1167 words, this is long.

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