Fireworks // Ch.25 (Finale)

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It was a beautiful sight, there were towels and lanterns everywhere, especially the clear ocean water that sparkled beneath the sunset. I stop and take a moment to take it all in. The bonfire hasn't been lit but I could tell it was going to be an amazing party. "Oh hey, what's brings you two here?" Anita snickers. "Just to look around, you've done an amazing job!" I smile

"Haha, thanks, Bloodhound and I could use a couple hands if you guys are up for it." Octavio and I look at each other and then back at Anita.  "We'd love too." I jump in excitement. Anita comes toward us with a bunch of fireworks and a some what large radio. "Can you put these around here?" she politely asks. I grab hold of the box of fireworks as it pulls me downward. "So heavy." I think to myself.

Everyone starts to giggle a little, "I was thinking Octavio can handle those Nat." I start to pout "I can handle this!" I lift the box up with all my strength and brought it over to the left side of the bonfire but not too close to it. I let out a large gasp, wiping the sweat off my forehead. "I did it." I huff in exhaustion. I look over to Octavio smiling back at me.
  We spend about half an hour getting everything ready, adding the final touches. Slowly everyone starts coming onto the beach one by one. "Woah, you guys really did number on this place!" Elliott shouts in shock. Renee grabs hold of him and brings him over to the water cooler. Makoa gives Dr.Caustic and giant pat on the back "Why the long face brotha? Haha, have some fun for once." Dr.Caustic doesn't respond just sucks his teeth in annoyance.

I look around the beach and accidentally make eye contact with Crypto. I felt a chill go down my spine, it wasn't pleasant. "Let's get this party started!" Elliot yells breaking the awkwardness between us. He turns on the radio and brings life to the beach, the lights turn and the bonfire gets lit. I can't help but smile. "I wonder if Ajay is around here." I start to look around until I see a glimpse of red hair flowing in the wind "Ajay-" I stop myself.

I notice her with Octavio, smiling and laughing. As I watch them from a distance. The song on the radio switches to slower paced song. Ajay takes one sip of her drink, "Dance with me Tavi." she grabs hold of his arm and head to the bonfire. They both start to dance slowly, Ajay resting her head on his shoulder. I felt like my heart stopped. Everyone starts to watch them. Elliott gets jealous of the attention they're getting and drags Renee with him to the right side of Ajay and Octavio to dance.

I can't bare to watch this. I turn around and head inside rubbing the tears from my eyes. I head into the cafeteria, nobody's here. I grab a seat at one of the empty tables and start tracing circles on the table with my finger. I wipe the tears from each eye. I hear footsteps coming toward me. I look up and see Ajay standing at the entryway. "Hey, Nat." I avert my eyes. "Listen, I didn't mean anything by-"

"Leave me alone."

"Listen, I didn't want to hurt you, i'm sorry Nat."


"Octavio and a few others are worried about you."

  I stay silent, not a word was said in response to her. I just sit and gaze hoping eventually she'll leave me be. She then sighs and leaves before she returns with someone by her side, it's Octavio, he walks toward me and pulls me from my seat to a tight embrace, I try pulling away but each time I try the embrace only gets tighter.

"Let me go!" I shout but he doesn't budge. I try my best to escape but I can't, he's just too strong . Tears start trickling down my face one by one. I stop struggling and give up into his arms. He starts to rub my head, comforting me as I sob in his arms. "Y'all are like two peas in a pod." Ajay snickers. She walks toward us and leaves something on the table before quickly turning around and walking away.

Faint sniffles were heard followed by the door shutting. "¿Estas bien, mi amor? Are you okay my love?" I look up at him, I rub the remaining tears from my eyes as he helps me up. "Yeah, i'm fine." I smile. "Wow, you really had me worried when you stormed off like that, chica." he jokes before pulling me in for another embrace;whispering in my ear "But seriously, i'm really sorry Natalie, I shouldn't have hurt you like this."

His voice was gentle which brought warmth to my heart. I smile brightly, kissing his cheek. "So what's that?" Octavio curiously asked pointing at a small box left on the table. I head to it and pick up the mysterious box, opening it, revealing two ear plugs and a small note.

"I thought that you might need these for the fireworks.
-Love, Ajay"

I smile and grab the earplugs; putting one in each ear. Octavio pulls me in his direction leading me to the window. "It's starting." he excitingly says and the countdown began, everyone was gathered around the bonfire ready for the fireworks to be lit.

Octavio smiles as he looks into the night sky
Octavio turns my head to face him with his hands caressing my cheek
He smiles as we make eye contact, pulling me by my waist toward him, our bodies touching.
I notice his face getting close and closer to mine.
The fireworks are lit up into the sky followed by lots of cheering from the outside. His lips pressed against mine, the warmth of his kiss fills me up with joy but deepens the kiss to my surprise. His tongue dominating mine as I fall into his trance.
"I'm so glad I met you."
"I'm so glad I met you."

//1041 words//

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