Surprise // Ch.24

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It's the last day staying here at the resort, I feel a little sad as I grab my luggage and start packing up some of my things like clothes and brushes. I don't want this to be over, I start looking back to all the fun times we had here. A bright, warm smile appears on my face. I push my luggage aside and get up to go out into the hallway.

I rush over to Ajay's room and knock on the door a couple times until I hear footsteps, the door opens; "Nat?" Ajay says rubbing her eyes, her hair is a mess and bags sagging beneath her eyes. "Did you sleep well?" I worrying ask, completely ignoring her misplaced hairs and droopy eyes giving the whole thing away. "No." she says; yawning accordingly. "I done stayed up until three in the morning."

She slouches against the doorframe, I can tell she's tired. "Don't forget about the mini party we are going to have, It sounds like it's going to be shockingly fun." I clasp my hands together, smiling brightly. Ajay and I stare at each other before she smiles turns around and waves back at me before shutting the door behind her.

   "Hmm, I wonder who I can talk about the party with." I stand there thinking, trying to hold my excitement in. "I know!" I look over at Octavio's door and bite the nail on my thumb.
I knock on his door hoping he'd answer. I wait a couple seconds before attempting to knock again but the door opens revealing a shirtless, soaked Octavio in front of me. "Hola, mi amor, what bring you here?" I gawk at his shirtless toned body as if I were in a trance, his words completely flying over my head.

I snap myself out and immediately turn my body away. "O-Octy you-you're shirt." I murmur embarrassingly. "Oh?" he says as his voice deepens. "You've seen me shirtless before chica." I hear him walk toward me pulling me close from behind into an embrace. I can feel the back of my shirt getting a little wet. "You smell like shampoo." I say giggling. He rests his chin on my shoulder, I can feel him breathing against my neck.

Butterflies start forming in my stomach, "I just got out the shower Nat, that's why." he whispers, kissing my neck downward repeatedly. I let out a satisfied gasp before realizing what he's doing. "O-Octy" I softy say; slowly pushing him away "What if someone sees us!" I whisper. I look around to see if anyone was around before turning around to give him a quick peck on the lips leaving him with a heartwarming smile.

I smile back at him playing with parts of my hair "So, will you be at the party?" I curiously ask. "Of course I am, mi amor! Why wouldn't I?" I giggle at his answer, "I'll see you there~"
It's a few hours before the big event, I look out the window to see Bloodhound, Anita and Pathfinder setting up for the party, building the bonfire, placing down blankets and even some lights. I can already tell this is gonna be amazing, my heart races at the thought of it.
"Ok Natalie, calm down." I tell myself.
  I head back over to Ajay's place to see if she was awake, I knock once but there's no answer, I hear a door behind me open and I turn around to see Octavio in a shortsleeved grey hoodie and some black sweatpants. My face turns a bright red when I see him and my mind starts to wander. "Buenas tarde Nat, oh I wouldn't  knock on that door if I were you, there's a monster named Che in there...yikes." We both start snickering and giggling for a moment before going back to our usual selves.

"Oh, well i'll just head down to the beach by myself then." I sigh. In one swift movement I get pulled in close by my waist toward Octavio whose breathing pattern seemed to have sped up a little bit. "Why don't you come with me chica?" he whispers passionately in my ear like sweet nothings. How can I say no to that?

  Octavio and I start speed walking down the stairs, but it somehow ended up being a race toward the end...he won. Octavio and I walk through the exit not expecting the electrifying scenery that was brought before us.

To Be Continued
//763 words// i've been caught up with school, i'm sorry :<

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