Kiss me // Ch.9

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  The bus drops us off at the Aquarium, I don't feel so good...I don't wanna be here anymore. "Are ya ready, Natalie?" Ajay asks me with excitement, she's more excited than I am at this point, I put on a fake smile "Yeah, I am."
she holds my hand, looks at me and smiles and then we head in.

Octavio goes on ahead because he really wanted to go see the sharks, me and Ajay walk a bit in silence around the Aquarium...I have to start some sort of conversation some how. "Hey Natalie, I have a question." her tone changes from upbeat to a little more serious, "Yes?" I start to get a little nervous, "I wanted to ask ya this in private, ya have feelings for Silva?" I'm a little shocked at what came out of her mouth "What? Where did you get that from...Ajay?"

she lets go of my hand "It's just ya act differently around him, you also seemed a bit down on the bus even though you seemed fine beforehand , that's all." she looks me in the eye "So do ya?" I look away but my facial expression gives it all away, "Knew it." she smiles but it seemed fake.

    It's been about 10 minutes since then, during that time I told Ajay everything, about my feelings for Octavio and even how I felt on the bus ride, it's so nice to get everything off my chest. "Jealousy, huh...? It hurts to be in love doesn't it." she looks over at me, she seems to be on the verge of tears, "Ya know...I love that boy too." I look at her in total shock, I never realized her feelings, I was too busy focusing on my own, I'm so selfish. I give Ajay a big hug, "I'm so sorry, i'm so sorry, i'm so sorry.." I apologize over and over, she hugs me and I start to cry, her tears start to fall aswell "Don't apologize, it's not your fault." we both look at each other and laugh "Look at us we look like death itself from crying so much." I tell her "We really do!" Ajay giggles, I never want to forget this moment "Love sucks doesn't it?" Ajay says as she wipes my tears away, "Yeah." I respond wiping hers away aswell. Our eyes are puffy, faces red in some random hallway of an Aquarium.

"Hey where were you guy- WHAT HAPPENED HERE?!" Octavio looks at us in shock "It's nothing Silva, mind ya business ya goof." Ajay bonks his head "Come on let's go see the rest of this place!" I catch up to her as she walks away "Let's go touch the stingrays!" she shouts, "Aww...come on Che tell me what happened!" Ajay bonks Octavio's head again
"Ya mention this again and i'll make sure ya won't have a mouth to run anymore." we both start to laugh.

We make it to the stingrays, Ajay encourages me to touch the stingrays but I'm a little scared too, I don't wanna get stung, "You'll be fine Natalie, they won't sting ya." she then touches a stingray to demonstrate, I reach my hand out into the pool of water but instantly take it out to the touch, "it's freezing cold!" Octavio starts to laugh "You're such a baby Nat, here let me help you." he takes my hand and gently puts it in the water, a stingray comes by and so he puts my hand on its back.
"See it's not so bad." I look up at him, my heart skips a beat "Y-yeah, I guess not."

"Guys it's time to head out, it's getting late." Octavio pulls me along and we leave the Aquarium, he hasn't let go of my hand yet since the stingray room, it's really cold from the water but it doesn't bother me at all.

The bus arrives, Octavio finally lets go of my hand to get on, I wish he never let go, it feels lonely. It's been a very quiet bus ride back, Octavio had his headphones in, Ajay was gazing out the window and I was looking through my phone but I eventually starting gazing as well. It's been about an hour but we made it back, I glance at Ajay, she seems pretty tired, she yawns "Well i'll see ya both in the mornin.", "Goodnight Ajay." I tell her and wave goodbye and she heads in her room. I open the door to my place "Goodnight Octa-" Octavio lets himself in and pulls me inside, he locks the door, "Is everything alright?" I worryingly ask, he usually doesn't act like this, "What happened earlier, Nat?", he sounds serious,"It's nothing Octy, don't worry about it." I head toward my couch but Octavio pins me against a wall.

"Nat, i'm serious, you don't know how worried I was about you, you seemed different as soon as you got off the bus." I can feel myself getting a little irritated "Octavio, it's nothing okay, just leave me alone." I realize said something I didn't mean, "Octy, I didn't mean-." Octavio grabs my arm and pulls me in his arms. "Nat, I never want to see you cry like that ever again, something is bothering you I know it." I bury my head in his chest and start to tear up "I- I was jealous, ok? Seeing you put your arm around Ajay, seeing you guys be so close hurt me so much! I wanted to take Ajay's place so bad." he looks at me with surprise "I-I didn't expect that.." he rubs the back of his head.

     " you Octavio." It was silent, I slowly start to regret saying those words to him, I want to curl in a ball and die. "Close your eyes." he tells me, "Why?" I'm so confused, "Just do it, Nat." I close my eyes, he lifts my chin up, I can feel his breathing get closer, his lips touch mine, the warmth of his buttery kiss fills my body. I don't want this moment to end. "Octavi-", he slips his tongue in, my body is heating up, by that time the kiss was over I can barely feel my legs; it was quiet all that was heard was the sound of us panting. "I only have my eyes on you Nat." he starts to lean in for another,
"I love you too, my little conejita."

//To Be Continued//

//1100 words, I hope you guys like this one, it's a little spicy//

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