Glass // Ch.14

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   Crypto and I sat on my couch, we talked a little about ourselves but the conversation died pretty quickly, This is so awkward. "Want something to drink?" I ask him. "Water would be fine." Crypto pulls his drone out and starts to fiddle with it, "Okay." I smile.

   I head into the kitchen and grab two cups and fill them with ice. then cold water. I start to head back to Crypto, out of nowhere thoughts of Octavio flow my mind, my mood changes instantly, "I miss him...". I finally make it back to the living room, I notice Crypto stopped playing with his drone. "Here's your water." I let out a sigh, I take a seat next to him and start to blankly stare up at the ceiling.

  "Gamsahamnida, thank you...Natalie." I don't respond. He looks at me and instantly gets up, "I'll be right back." I snapped out of my daze "Mhmm." It's been a few minutes and I start to wonder if Crypto's alright, at that moment I feel a giant pat on both my shoulders, in shock I drop my glass cup and scream.

I look back to see Crypto behind me, "You scared me!" I start lightly punching his chest repeatedly, he chuckles, "You seemed a little down, so i thought i'd take ur mind off whatever it was." I turn my back "Hmph!" and he chuckles again.

I look down at the ground to see water and shattered glass everywhere. "Oh no!", Crypto comes over to see what's wrong and realizes what happened, "I didn't realize I scared you that much, sorry. Let me help you with this."
He heads to the kitchen to get some paper towels to soak up the water, While he does that I start using one hand to pick up the pieces of glass one by one and then putting the pieces I picked up in the palm of the other.

  "Ow." I look down to see a piece of glass embedded in my finger. I try to take it out but I couldn't stand the pain. Crypto comes over with the paper towels, he starts to place them all over the floor. He look at me and sees the pain in my face, "What happened?" he says, I show him my finger "Idiot! Why were you picking up glass with your hands?!"

"Im sorry." I tell him, I look away. "Don't ever do that again." I can tell he was angry, "Oui.."
He pulls out tweezers from his pocket and starts to try and remove the glass. "Ow, oww, oww!" I start to squirm in pain, "Don't move!" he says "But it hurts so much." it's been a few seconds of pain but Crypto manages to take it out.

Blood starts to leak out my finger, Crypto pulls pulls my hand toward him then places the tip of my finger in his mouth and licks the blood off. My face goes red, he grabs a bandaid and puts it around my finger. "There, all done."
"M-M-Merci Crypto." he looks at me as if I were a ghost, "What's wrong now?" I look down at my finger "Oh that, Mila used to do that to me when whenever I got hurt-"

"Mila? Was that the person I reminded you of earlier?" he goes silent "I've said too much.." he  then grabs a vacuum to suck up all the glass shards, and picks up the now wet paper towels from the floor and throws them away. Crypto grabs his drone from the couch, "Joesong haeyo." and then leaves. I sit there wondering what happened, it was so fast.

  A day has passed since then, I tried texting Octavio again but no answer, I start to cry a little into my Nessie, "Does he hate me?" I hear a knock on the door, I ignore it, they knock again, I then get up and wash my face before heading there, I open the door to see Ajay, Anita and Renee standing there anxiously, they are all holding newspapers, Ajay looks at me and sighs,
"We need to talk."

To Be Continued

//688 words// sorry for posting this late! :<

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