Chapter 4: In which Evelyn fights a tree

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I blinked my eyes as my surroundings came into focus. Flecks of brown on the walls, bits of gravel. I groaned slightly, I was still here!

There was a weight on my arm, pinning it down. I raised my head and saw red hair. Mina. Gently I removed my arm without waking her.

Could you sleep in dreams? I already knew the answer. You couldn't. Meaning this was all real.

What. The. Freaking. Heck!

I looked at Mina again! Oh god. It was my job to take care of her. What was I going to do!

Don't panic...

It was all okay. Well kind of.

Except I'm in Minecraft!

I started to pull myself to my feet. I stood up and nearly hit my head on the ceiling.


Mina has her eyes open. A small smile on her face already. Didn't she see know how much trouble we were in?

Idiot! of course she doesn't... she's seven!

I forced a smile on my face. I needed to stay calm.

"Good morning Min." I said lightly.

"Good morning!" She said bouncing to her feet.

If we were really in Minecraft then we'd better get building and crafting. Thinking to all the times I'd played Minecraft I knew we needed shelter and light. Meaning another journey into creeper cave. We'd need some food and quick.

Food was easy. Hunt some animals when Mina wasn't looking. Coal? Not so much.

I walked out of our hole. Not five blocks away was a tree. The tree seemed to glare at me daring me to punch it. I glanced at my fist, it didn't look that strong. Then I walked up to the tree pulled back my arm and punched.

I bounced off the surface. It didn't hurt much but it felt weird to me. The tree quivered, but went back to solid.

Okay let's do this!

I aimed another punch, the tree quivered. I punched again and it shook a bit. Once more and a block broke. The rest of the tree was left floating.

Oh right. Minecraft physics!

I quickly punched out another few blocks, leaving the tree to disappear. An apple landed at my feet with a pop. I picked it up and turned it over. It was food, and my mouth watered.

"Hey Mina!" I said, "come here."

She approached and I threw her the apple. She licked her lips. Little sisters first.

Mina gobbled it down in three bites.

"Tastes just like a normal apple," she said, giggling.

Don't even tell me about it..

I was really, really hungry now. I took my wood and crafted a sword, and a pickaxe, and an axe. Mina reached for the last one but I snatched it away.

"You're too little to handle it, you'll get hurt!" I said, Mina frowned.

"I'm tougher then you think." She crossed her arms for good measure.

Admittedly this only made her look even more young.

"Leave the dangerous stuff for me." I said gently, "I can handle it."

"Sure you can," she muttered, looking away.

I swallowed my pride, and didn't respond.

"You stay here," I said at last. We needed some food.

I walked out into a meadow and saw pigs grazing on the grass. I pulled out my sword and tried a few swings. Then I looked at the pigs willing myself. I walked up to one and closed my eyes, then I swung.

There was no sound.

I opened my eyes, the pig was eyeing my sword, which was caught in some grass.

I can't do this!

Think, other food.


I saw a patch of mushrooms. I walked over plunking them from the ground, that's when I heard it. A soft pop.

I looked to my right. Nothing. I looked to my left and screamed.  There was a girl standing next to me, staring at me with unblinking red eyes. I startled stepping back.

"Entity 237," she said, completely monotone.

She looked expectantly.

"Umm, I'm Evelyn." I stammered, she cocked her head staring at me. Then as if she'd had enough she disappeared.

I sighed in relief, but then remembered. Mina!

I ran to where I left her. She was gone.

"Mina!" I screamed.

"I'm here,"

I looked around. Mina was to my right holding a bunch of flowers.

"What were you thinking?" I said, "I told you to stay here!"

"I was bored," Mina said, then she peered closer at my face, "is something wrong?"

I couldn't tell her.

"Nothing. Nothings wrong." I said quickly.

I don't think she believed me. I didn't believe myself either.

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