Chapter 44: In which Hera crafts

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I had held myself between Hero and Ender and I wasn't sure that was enough. Hero was itching to fight, he was offended by Ender, and he wanted to make Notch pay. I knew he wouldn't attack me or hurt me ever, yet. But his control was wavering the longer he helped Notch.

I was relieved when Evelyn offered some change in atmosphere by bringing for enderman, even if I had to listen to the horrible screeching sounds she made. As she talked to them I saw an amount of embarrassment on her face, we had all been staring, not even trying to hide it.

At last the conversation broke off, Evelyn addressed us, "everyone ready?"

I nodded and let the enderman surround us. Then we disappeared from the nether. 

The change in temperature hit me instantly. I breathed in relief, it had been boiling in the nether. Hero seemed to relax, I supposed he'd been trapped in the nether for a long time. 

"Is this his place?" Hero asked, he sounded focused, but I watched his eyes drift across the scenery.

"Yeah," Evelyn said.

Hero snorted, "not very fancy. I'd expect more for a son of Notch."

Ender seemed to tense slightly.

"He was more like us then Notch," I remarked casually, but I put in a slight edge, something only Hero would pick up. Except Evelyn seemed to appear at my side. I was grateful for her.

"How many of his tools do we need?" Evelyn broke some of the tension.

"At least two," Hero didn't really look at her. I followed his eyes and realized he was watching a rabbit frolicking in the grass, though he'd never admit he was.

"Alright, let's search the house! Hopefully Steve had some spare tools he left around." The unspoken part of this sentence was Steve's main tools would of died on him.

"You girls go looking in the house, Hero and I will stay out here and look around," Ender suggested.

I supposed Ender thought better then to send Herobrine into a house belonging to Mojang. He may have been right.

That was when a dog bounced out of the woods and tackled Hero. Hero seemed surprised.

"Fluffy..!" Evelyn chided.

But Hero gave the dog a pat, and Fluffy flopped down beside him wagging his tail.

Evelyn and I shared a small smile as we walked towards the house.

The house was eerie without Alex or Steve. I waited for Katrina to come running up to me, but it was silent. Notch probably was caring for them, since Steve was gone. We went through the main floor first, the chests near the kitchen contained food items: some seeds, bread and a cake. There was a shiny hoe too, I picked it out of the chest. Next we looked by the bookshelves but nothing was there. There was a chest under the stairs, but all it had were music disks and a couple random pieces of string.

We climbed the stairs together. Evelyn had seized my hand and she was shaking slightly. I knew she was trying not to cry, in her short time with them she'd began to love Steve's family. There was only three rooms up here. The first was Evelyn's room, which contained nothing. The second room was Jack's and Katrina's, inside were a pink bed and a blue one. There was a chest, but nothing in it was enchanted. Katrina had left a sign on the wall that said 'Katrina's stuff - Borrow only'. The room had nothing else in it other then a rug. I think both of us held our breath as we entered Steve's room. The double bed looked deserted and sad.

"I bet there's something in here," Evelyn motioned toward a chest in the corner.

I threw open the lid and to my delight found an enchanted bow, a sword and a helmet. I took it all.

Now that we had what we needed we left the house silently, as if not to disturb it any further.

Ender was sitting under a tree. Hero wasn't in sight but he was probably lurking somewhere.

"Have you got the items?" Ender said, there was a strained note in his voice.

"Yeah!" Evelyn said, she held up the hoe. 

I watched as Ender's face turned to pride at his daughter. He clapped Evelyn on the shoulder, "good find."

"Where's Hero?"

"I'm here," 

I turned around, he had Fluffy at his heels.

"Lay the items on the ground here." He said, I put down the weapons and armor, Evelyn threw in the hoe. Then Hero settled down with.

"Come sit beside me Hera," he said softly, "I think this will take both of us."

I nodded, we sat opposite and took hands. Both of us closed our eyes.

"Take the code from these items that is Steve and find other fragments."

I reached out into the code with Hero, and found familiar strings of numbers. I felt some pulled towards us by Hero, together we brought more and more pieces. From beside us was a shout.

"Focus," Hero muttered to me, "don't open your eyes."

Bit by bit the pieces came together into shapes, the shapes blended together into a form. After what felt like forever we had a growing shifting form between us. Then at once it solidified.

"Open your eyes Hera."

I did, and felt a rush of happiness. 

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