Chapter 27: In which Evelyn becomes an ender freak

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I stared at the blank sky, yellow gently rippled through my vision, blocked by many many enderman. They all crowded at my feet, but none would get to close to me. It was silent, after all we were floating over the void. How did I get to the End you might ask.

Well, after Hera had finally fallen asleep I lay awake for a bit. I was mostly thinking of her brother Steve, but also of Mina. Entity 0 never told me anything about Mina, but now I didn't have a chance to ask. Then suddenly I heard the enderman teleport in, I carefully pulled away from Hera so I wouldn't wake her up. There were more of them then before, I assumed they were here to roost for the day, but then they closed in one me. I couldn't really understand what they were saying yet. Before I could ask them to let me back to bed they all closed there arms around me and brought me here. So here I am in the End. Oh great!

I sat on a growing pile of random blocks. The enderman kept bringing them to me. There was also an assortment of flowers laid at my feet. They were all silent and expectant, then one more arrived with yet another melon. When it had been placed down, they all stepped forward toward me.

"Please let me go back," I said, though I didn't say it in ender. 

That's when they started to chant. I hadn't heard this before. I strained to understand their words then recoiled as they came to meaning.

"Queen, queen, queen." They all chanted. They thought I was their queen?

Oh no. I got up hastily, something at my back twitched. What was that? I looked down at my feet and my reflection made me jump.

My eyes were so bright purple the rest of my face was hidden. But not enough that I couldn't see my hair, which was half violet, only the topmost of my hair was still normal. And worst of all, on my back were a pair of dragon wings!

I think I'm gonna faint.

I staggered back to the blocks. Then I tricked and looked down. What the heck was I wearing!


I was laying down on my side. The enderman had now pressed in close to me. They were confused and concerned.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." I said to all of them. I sat up I tried to stay calm. Yes I had dragon wings. Yes I had purple hair. Yes I was in a very long purple dress. How did I end in a dress? I didn't want to think about it. 

The enderman got the message and backed up from me. Yet they still hoovered. I had to get back to Hera, she didn't know what happened to me. I just had to find the end portal first. For that I needed a better, not-surrounded-by-enderman, view. I cringed slightly, I'd need to use my wings. I imagined them flapping and then they started, I got a bit of lift off. My sudden flight made the enderman back off a bit more. I focused on making them flap harder and harder and I started to rise. This was easy enough, and although I hated to admit it, kinda fun. Now to go forward, I leaned slightly and then shot off.

I screamed as a hurtled through the air. I willed myself to remain upright. Slowly I leveled off. I went a bit higher up and landed on an ender pillar. From there I looked around. The End was a desolate island, with almost nothing. Not even a portal, I guess I had to defeat the ender dragon. Except I realized, maybe I was the ender dragon.

I reached behind me and stroked my leathery wing. It was kinda nice actually, I just wished I was able to put them away. Maybe I could get transformation powers or something. I sighed. How would I escape, I looked down, to my surprise the enderman now surrounded the pillar I was on. They seemed serious about me being queen. That made me laugh, I wasn't much of a queen.

I jumped into the air and swooped again. I had to get out of here somehow. I did a loop around the pillar, flying was getting easier for me. Then I nearly crashed, way way below was a white glow. I leveled off and smiled. She always seemed to find me. I just hoped she didn't mind dragon wings. 

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