Chapter 42: In which Hera puts on her puppy eyes

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"What in the nether were you doing Hero!" I screamed. I had just finished dragging him into the main room. The bed was still in the center, but with one swing from Herobrine it shattered.

"She's one of them!" Hero screamed back. "Mojang spawn."

I tugged on the ends of my hair and tried not to completely lose my temper. "She is not." 

"Ender is her father!" 

"From what I've heard it sounds like Ender has been helping you escape Notch," I crossed my arms. 

Hero groaned slightly, "as if I need his help!" Herobrine's eyes flared. This didn't effect me though.

"Evelyn isn't one of them!"

Herobrine started to pace back and forth. Then stopped, for the first time he looked almost hurt, "I thought you chose me!"

Now my temper raged, "I didn't chose your side or Notch's side! I chose Evelyn!" I paused to catch my breath, then continued more softly. "Hero I love her."

Hero tilted his head. I could almost see what he was thinking.

 "Her father doesn't make her who she is!" I threw my hands up, "are you or I anything like Notch!" That made Hero flinched slightly but I didn't care. "If you love me you'll help Evelyn!"

"But look at them!" He motioned back to the door.

"Evelyn doesn't remember him at all. Do YOU actually think they'd bundle her up to work for Mojang? Notch called US glitches, she is a real glitch! And besides Notch thinks she's a murderer, even if he knew the truth he won't want her." I said, in a quieter voice I added, "sometimes I don't know who you are anymore Hero. Are you the same person I once played with in the forest, or is he gone?"

Herobrine's face fell. His body slumped forward. "I guess I'm not."

I walked up to him, and using a hand under his chin tilted his head to look at me, "show me I know you. I know you're still in there somewhere. Do the right thing, help clear an innocents name before it's too late! The Herobrine I knew would do anything to help me."

I let go again, he half stumbled. I watched him silently, conflicting emotions played across his face. A bit of anger here, confusion, at one point he looked sad. Finally it all cleared and all that was left was raw. When he spoke his voice was rougher, "fine, I'll help Evelyn."

I let a smile spread across my face. Herobrine looked slightly happier seeing me smile.

We both walked back out of the room heading toward Ender and Evelyn. Evelyn and Ender were standing back from each other, but each had a glow coming from them. They were in the middle of a quiet discussion but I couldn't make out any words. Both seemed relatively relaxed which was a good sign. Evelyn must of saw a reflection of our eyes because she turned around.

"Hera!" She sounded excited, like I'd been gone for a week rather then twenty minutes. Still I caught her when she rushed to me and embraced her. That's when I heard her soft voice in my ear. "Is everything alright with Herobrine?"

Seeing I only had a few seconds to assure her I left it at a confident sounding yes. I felt tension leave her. We both let go. Evelyn did a quick spin, then having seen everyone was present began to talk, "so here's the problem. Notch is convinced I killed Steve," she flinched slightly at that memory. "Tyson and Penny insist I was the killer, and apparently Entity 0 was busy destroying something else, how that is possible I'm not sure. But, the point is it's going to be hard to prove I'm innocent." She paused slightly, "Notch will probably kill me unless we do something..." 

Herobrine looked thoughtful, "Entity probably used a ranged attack to make it seem like she was somewhere else."

I nodded, that made some sense.

"So we can't prove it by Entity's location then..." Evelyn paused, "and the only witness's were Steve, Hera, myself, Penny and Tyson. I can't vouch for myself, and Steve-" She stuttered and then continued, "Steve is not here. That leaves Hera."

I shook my head, "Notch won't really want to hear from me, not since I turned my back on him."

"Okay so options anyone?"

No one said anything.

"Ender, couldn't you use the tracker to prove Entity was near Steve's house?" I said.

"Entity didn't use her powers in comparison to Evelyn," he looked apologetic. "The tracker shows Evelyn there but not Entity."

I clenched my fists.

"I guess that leaves us with one option, even though its crazy. Can we recover Steve?" Evelyn asked.

Ender shook his head. I glanced at Herobrine and noticed an odd expression on his face. He was a brilliant coder too.

"Is there a way Hero?" I asked.

He looked at my face, I could tell he disliked this plan. He seemed to consider for several minutes before saying curtly, "possibly. But it's going to be difficult."  

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