Chapter 37: In which Hera calls upon a brother

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Time stopped as her body fell to the grass. I was frozen watching her, her head hit the ground. Mina took her sword and prepared to stab downward, then I unfroze, I lunged at her, she was thrown aside and turned her sword on me. I glanced down at Evelyn and realized there was only one thing I could do.

With everything I had I screamed, "HEROBRINE."

I wasn't sure what would happen, but Entity 0 lowered her sword. Then all around me lightning rained down, trees went alight and grass burned. Out of the centre of the lightning came a form. He come down to the ground armed to the teeth and looked up at me. His eyes flashed dangerously as he took in the scene. His eyes landed on Entity, who had cowered a bit at the display. "BE GONE," he roared at her. She melted away into the shadows.

"Hera!" He rushed to me. 

"Please help her," I begged, motioning at Evelyn at my feet. He stopped and looked down at her. "Entity 0 attacked us."

He was slightly hesitant, but at my pleading tone he knelt down to her side.

"What is she?" He asked, he put a hand on her forehead.

"She's the Ender Queen." I said, I dropped down beside him. He had his eyes shut, but I knew he was reading through the code. He'd always been amazing at that.

"She's heavily damaged," he said.

"Please help her, don't let her die. I'd do anything." I couldn't keep the sorrow out of my voice. Herobrine gazed at me in curiosity and perhaps understanding.

"This won't be easy to fix," he said. 

"Can't you make potions for her?" I asked, a few tears trickled down my cheeks.

He shook his head, "the damaged is deep."

I looked at the ground. Herobrine caught my hands and held them. "I'll do what I can for her Hera, I owe you that." He shook his head, "this is my fault."

That was when I became aware of a presence beside us. I looked up and saw the red eyed girl, Entity 237.

I fell back on my hands, "get her away from us, she works for Entity 0."

Herobrine gave me a look, "she belongs to me actually." He motioned her over to him. "She is able to heal people, it works for the other Entity's."

I reluctantly allowed her to lay her hands on Evelyn, who already looked dead to me. She didn't move or show any sign of life. I became aware of the dozens of underman standing close by. All with their heads bowed, as if in mourning.

"No," I cried to them, "she's not dead."

None of them moved. Entity 237 had her eyes closed, her hands glowed. I watched them pulse until the glow faded. Then she stepped aside from Evelyn. Herobrine moved to take her place, he touched her and cursed slightly. "Her health is full again, but Entity 0 has done something with her code." He shook his head again, "I might be able to resolve it, but I'm not sure. It'll take time."

I nodded. Then something occurred to me, "you said this was your fault."

Hero inclined his head, "I suppose Entity was seeking to impress me."

"But why?"

"Later," he looked past me, "who is that laying in the grass?"

A whole new fresh wave of pain hit me. I fell forward only to be caught by Hero. "Thats Steve," I choked, "Entity 0 murdered him."

Something flashed across Hero's face, but I couldn't read it. "He is Notch's new son is he not?"


I watched Herobrine's face twist with something that could have been hate. I put a hand on his shoulder, "it's not like that really, Notch didn't really love him. He wouldn't save him even though he knew Entity was coming."

Hero's face calmed a bit, but the hate remained just below the surface. Then I watched his head jerk, as if sensing something invisible. 

"Someone is coming, " he muttered, "we have to go now."

I nodded, but something nagged at me. I looked to Steve, then remembered, "ALEX!" I cried, "she's trapped below ground."

Hero's face hardened, "there is no time, they'll be here any minute now."

I turned to him, "take her. Please, I'll follow you, tell me where your home is."

He didn't look overly happy, but he touched my hand, the location flowed to me. I closed my eyes and saw his home. Then I leaned down and kissed Evelyn's cheek, promising to come back to her. Herobrine watched, and didn't say anything, but I knew he understood. I watched him gather her in his arms. She looked so delicate and small.

"Follow me as soon as you can." He said sternly, "if something happens then I'm coming for you."

"I'll be okay, take care of her please, as if she was me." 

He didn't answer. There was pain in his eyes. I watched him disappear, with him went all the enderman.

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