Chapter 17: In which Evelyn explains YouTube

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I lay on my bed looking up at the sky. Evening was falling over us. Hera sat with her back on a tree, I saw light shimmer on the leaves and knew she was playing with a diamond sword.

"Tell me about yourself," I said to her. The light abruptly stopped glimmering. "I told you about myself."

"There's nothing much to tell," she replied.

I laughed under my breath. Classic excuse. Her brother was Herobrine!

"One question then?"


"Tell me about you and Herobrine."

She sighed, "that's not a question, and even if it was I won't tell you."

I turned to face her, she looked serious but her eyes glistened with sadness.

"Fine, do you have another brother?"


"Steve," I guessed. If anything about Minecraft was correct that would be it. Herobrine is always Steve's brother.


"Would you tell me about him?" I pleaded.

She sighed again, "fine. He's my younger brother."

"What's he like?"

"He thinks he's brave, but really he's kinda fragile. Notch always loved him though."


She pretended not to hear. "He's annoying sometimes, has an attitude. But generally he was my friend, kinda my only friend."

"Why was?"

"He moved out into the woods awhile ago." She said, "he always wanted a cottage, he has a wife named Alex."

I gasped, "the Alex? Like red haired Alex."


"But she's his sister!"

Hera started to laugh, "where do all these weird ideas come from!"

"Mostly the internet," I felt my face go red.

"What's that?"

I started laughing. Hera looked confused. Which made me laugh harder.

"What's so funny!" She said crossing her arms.

"This is all so weird! You don't know what YouTube is either!" I said.

"You? Tube?" She wrinkled her nose.

"You use it to post videos, though you probably don't know what that means!" Now I was laughing harder, which made her look more irritated. "Sorry- sorry," I sputtered. I covered my mouth. "Tell me more."

"He has a wife called Alex, the Alex or whoever," she repeated, "I don't know if he has kids. He has a wolf named Fluffy though."

"Have you ever been to his house?" I asked

"Once a long time ago," she said, "he's far away."

"Do you miss him?"

She snorted, "of course."

"You should visit him then." I lay back down.

"He did tell me to come any time, apparently Alex makes an excellent pumpkin pie." She paused, "he's still a kid really though, so is she. Notch shouldn't have let them go."

We were silent for a moment. The sky was darker now.

"The stars are so weird here, there all the same!"

"What are your stars like?"

"All different colours and sizes!" I said. "You can watch for hours, and sometimes there's a shooting stars!"

"What's a shooting star?" She said.

"It's a star that moves across the sky then disappears."

"That's odd," she looked up. "I wish I could see that."

I smiled at her, and she smiled back. Heat rose to my cheeks. She must of seen, because she dropped her eyes.

We both closed our eyes, I must of have drifted off to sleep. It was cozy out here.

"Evelyn?" A voice whispered.

I blinked the sleep out of my eyes slowly. Hera was looking alertly toward the trees. Then from the bushes I heard a sound. Perhaps our company had arrived already?

The children looked as they always did. The girl had the boy clinging to her leg, there other friend stood apart from them. The girl looked at me and extended an arm accusingly. "Evelyn Ender! We have to come to take you to our leader!"

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