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"That girl is out of control," Notch said, he had both fists clenched on the table top. Ender sighed slightly.

"We don't really know what happened with Penny," he said tiredly.

Notch scoffed, "well obviously she attacked her."

"I'm sure Hera had her reasons," Ender said, "you are very hard on her."

Notch sat back, and raised his eyebrows, "and who are you to give me parenting advice? When was the last time you saw your kid?"

"Kids, my wife, well we never officially separated," Ender said, "had another kid years ago. My children live far away from me, otherwise I'd see them more."

"All three of my children have been disappointments." Notch continued, "well my youngest, Steve, isn't a bad boy, he's not particularly helpful though, he'd rather be in the woods with his wife. My eldest son walked out on me years ago, and has been nothing but trouble. Now my daughter has become wayward too."

Ender listen intently. He'd always thought Hero was a good kid, even if he had a few issues. But the comments on Hera were a bit too much.

"Your daughter works harder then anyone. Much harder then your son. I think it's time you showed her some appreciation!" Ender stood up.

Notch folded his hands on the table. "I don't want to fight with you Ender."

"Then don't," Ender said. "But Hera was my understudy. That girl did an excellent job when it came to Entity 303."

Both paused. Entity 303 had plagued them years back, before Hera took him down.

"Fair," Notch said at last, "I'll leave her to be dealt with by you."

Although Notch was Enders friend. He'd never liked this hands off approach. He knew Hera was a hard worker, plus she reminded him of his kids. He kept a picture of them in his office, although he was sure it was very updated by now. If only work wasn't so busy. It was only getting busier.

Ender pulled up a map, and offered it to Notch. "These are all the latest disturbances."

There was so many now. They dotted the map.

"Most of them are random but a pattern is emerging," he showed Notch. "A lot of areas have been modified or torn up by an unknown force."

"Have you identified this force?"

"We worked tirelessly but what's causing it keeps getting away before we get a good look." Ender said, "however it seems it is quite aware of us. At the last site it left a mark."


Ender took a deep breath, "It seems that these attacks are being completed by a glitch named Entity 0."

"Entity 0?"

"Yes," Ender said.

"Can't you stop them?" Notch asked.

"Hera was our best hunter, without her we're fairly inefficient. Besides this Entity 0 is always one step ahead of us."

"I see."


After the meeting Ender walked to the buildings med bay. Penny sat perched on her bed. Ender has found her in the hallway, knocked out cold with Hera's note only Hera had crossed out her name and replaced it with Penny.

Fortunately Penny was mostly happy to get a vacation. Though vocally she preferred to recount her adventure. Tyson has quietly asked if Ender would have her released early.

Penny would be released to her room. The damage was minimal anyway, Hera had clearly only wished to not be followed. Notch claimed it was viscous, but Ender thought otherwise. He only wished he'd listened to her. He'd been a bad parent in his life, and maybe he really was no better to Hera.

Not that he wanted to be her dad, she already had one. He shook his head slightly at that, if only.

"Ender!" Penny said, "any news?"

Ender laughed, "now Penny either your on break or your not!"

Penelope had been Notch's idea. When he created Jenny he offered to make Ender one. Ender had been reluctant at first. But Penny livened things up.

"Fine," she said.

"I'll see you in a few days."

I headed to my own room. I wanted to study the map a bit more. Just then Jenny stopped me. She looked extremely worried.

"Where's the fire?" I joked.

"Sir, I thought I should tell you something..."

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