Chapter 10: In which Evelyn saves a life

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The girl had run without even telling me her name. Or answering my questions.

I did the first thing that occurred to me. I tried to run after her. She wasn't easy to follow, she was pretty light footed. I also happened to be fairly slow. But I was determined, maybe she knew something about Mina.

I knew in my heart that it wasn't Mina who tried to kill me. Something bad had happened to her, how could it be her. Mina had always been so young and sweet. How could I have let this happen?

All I knew was she was in serious danger. She was out there somewhere alone. It was my job to save her. She was my sister, my little tiny sister.

I was sure that girl knew something, how else had she found me.

Up ahead was a huge boom. That gave me a new energy. Now I sprinted faster. I nearly slammed into a pile of blocks.

From Inside was a muffled scream. Without thinking I swung my pickaxe into the pile as hard as I could. It quivered and one block broke. I hit again and again. First I freed an arm then finally a head. It was the strange girls body, I wasn't sure if she was breathing. With great effort I pulled her free. I lay her down on the grass and dropped to my knees beside her head.

Please be alive.

I listened for a heart beat and found a feeble fluttering one. I fell back onto my hands, feeling relief flooding me.

But now what?

I couldn't leave her to find Mina. Worry flooded me again. The girl was out cold. I didn't have any potions to help her. I searched my inventory, nothing but a few wool blocks and a couple tools.

I resigned to being stuck.

I glanced at the girl, her hair was long and black. A tiny face and stern expression. She looked so small and vulnerable lying in the grass. I felt pity for the stranger who had saved me. Then I had an idea.

I walked out to a tree and swung my axe till it broke.
Then I combined my wool and made a bed. I place it down beside her unmoving form. I picked the girl up, she was light surprisingly. I carefully set her on the bed, brushing locks of hair out of her eyes. She looked almost peaceful now.

Then I took my sword out and sat down beside her.

Anxiety still drummed through my veins. Anxiety for the girl, my future and especially my sister.

I prayed my new friend woke up soon. Then we'd find Mina and everything would be okay again. Maybe the girl knew a way out of here.

My eyes were just starting to close when something crossed my vision. There was the girl with the glowing eyes. She was silently watching me again, her two friends lagged behind.

The looked expectant.

"Do you have something I could give her," I pleaded with them. I motioned to the girl on the bed. "Please."

The girl stood frozen, emotion flitted across her face. First alarm then anger. She then disappeared. I settled back down eyeing her companions. One boy was barely Mina's age. But even he looked dead to me.

Mina's eyes flashed through my head. Was she going to become like them. I pictured my sister without her smile. No spring in her limbs. A dead look on her face. I couldn't bear it.

The girl reappeared at my side. "Take this, give it to her." The girl said, she wasn't monotone now. She handed me a pink splash potion.

We both stepped back, I threw it at the girl in the bed. Gentle bubbles spiralled out of her, her breathing got stronger.

I tasted raspberries in the air, coming from the potion fumes. It made me feel stronger and lighter. I smiled for the first time in awhile. The red eyed girl however was stiff.

"Who did this to her," she said angrily.

"Who?" Her companions echoed.

I shook my head. "I found her like this, buried in blocks."

The red eyed children didn't seem satisfied. They pressed toward me echoing 'who'. But then I heard a sound from behind me. Instantly they all vanished.

The girl had woken up.

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