The Entity's

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Herobrine was lonely, unspeakably so. He had been away from Mojang for awhile now and though he would never admit it he missed it. He missed it all. He missed having missions and goals. He missed helping create new items and creatures. Most of all he missed his younger sister Herabrine.

But he knew he had to leave.

He had wandered the overworld for a while, but he had met a couple people and freaked them out. Notch was certainly having a manhunt for him at this point. So he'd done the only thing he could think to do and fled to the nether. Less people here for sure, but he hated the heat of it. People thought he was a demon yet he hated heat a lot. But the nether was safer, and quieter. Plus it gave him a good space to think in. Sometimes he despised the extra thinking time, but today he was grateful. His new home was nearly done now, he'd built himself a large castle, if he was a outcast he might as well be one in style. It was during the building he started to test his coding skills more, he was unleashed now. No longer did he have to stick to guidelines. The first thing he did was cool the portion of the nether he lived in down a bit by changing its biome.

Only a few days later did he get two unexpected visitors. The first was a man he knew barely, and he hadn't been happy to see him at first. In fact he nearly took the persons head off. Luckily he had hesitated.

The person introduced himself as EnderSpark.

"I know Notch was hard on you Herobrine but as head of security its my job to keep the world secure." He explained, Hero could of killed him then, but Ender continued, "however from what I know of you, you aren't as troublesome as Notch claims. So I want to make you an offer."

That perplexed Herobrine. "What is it?" He was still wary.

"Keep yourself out of trouble, and in turn I'll help you stay off the radar." Ender looked relaxed, even though he must of sensed Herobrine's fear and uncertainty. Ender turned around to leave.

"Why are you doing this for me?"

Ender paused, "I believe in second chances. Besides you're a good kid Hero."

Herobrine bristled at being called a kid. But Ender was already gone.

The second visitor was even more unexpected, and less welcome this time.

This man admittedly took Herobrine by surprise. He came by the castle, broke a window and when Herobrine found him he had made himself comfortable in Herobrine's throne. Herobrine could of taken his head off too, if only the new comer hadn't attacked first.

Herobrine was good with a sword but out of practice. The new comer was clearly new to sword fighting but a natural. The resulting fight was closely matched. Eventually they broke away, and instead circled each other.

"Who the Nether are you?" Herobrine snarled.

The new comer chuckled, "Entity 303, and I require this castle for a bit. Preferably without you in it."

Herobrine would of never guessed this was the beginning of a budding friendship. But Entity 303 indeed would stay in the castle, but with Herobrine in it too.

They would be happy enough in time.

Entity called Herobrine over to him one day. He was practically dancing with excitement. Which struck Herobrine as quite funny, seeing 303 wore a massive white cloak. In front of 303 was a young girl. Which confused Herobrine, until she opened her eyes, they glowed red.

"Who is this?" Herobrine remarked, slightly disturbed by the girl. She had no expression on her face at all.

"Meet Entity 342," Entity 303 declared. "I just finished her."

"What is she?"

"Our new secret weapon," Entity 303 said lightly. "She has some friends too."

Herobrine watched as more children appeared. A little boy, another taller girl. There was six in all. Herobrine felt a sense of awe. "How did you do this," he asked.

Entity 303 shrugged, "a little something I picked up out there in the world. I'll show you. The key is you need a human soul."


Herobrine and Entity 303 had put the finishing touches on their army of Entity's. That was when Ender payed another visit. Herobrine instructed Entity to go out into the overworld while he met with Ender.

That was where Entity 303 met Hera...

Ender delivered the news of an invasion of a mysterious force and the need for Herobrine to lay low until the threat had passed. Herobrine agreed cheerfully, even though under his skin he was boiling with annoyance. He wanted to be free again. But to Ender's face he was civil and quiet.

"It'll only be a little while longer," Ender assured him, he reached to put a hand on Herobrines shoulder, but dropped it when Herobrine backed off. Finally Herobrine had the tools to attack Mojang, and yet they sent the head of security here! To assure HIM! Herobrine didn't want assurance or pity. He could care for himself.

"How is Hera?" He asked, he said it in a causal tone even though he was desperate for news of her.

Ender beamed slightly, "off on a mission, trying to find the source of all our troubles."

Herobrine froze. Had Ender sent his sister after 303! However outwardly he kept his cool, but his hands shook. His little sister was in danger, and he was stuck here. His sister was hunting his only friend. He told himself not to be ridiculous, the chances his sister would find 303 were low. But he knew his sister was determined and feisty and 303 was arrogant. If they met she'd have a chance against him. But he didn't want his friend to die either.

He kept a straight face on till Ender left then crumbled. The news of 303's capture came later that day, Ender was positively joyous recounting Hera's bravery. Relief washed over Herobrine at her safety, but deep down he felt shattered.

Using a map he coded a photo of 303 and hung it in the depth of his castle underneath it he lay a sword. 303's Entity's fled, some got captured and killed, but three came back one to day. They were battered and worst for wear. But when Herobrine looked at them he could almost see his lost friend. 

So he kept them. 

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