Chapter 19: In which Hera learns stripes aren't cool

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Some time ago

I had tracked him to the forest, here I was going to corner him.

Entity 303 had been causing us al lot of trouble lately. All kinds of odd glitches had been popping up all over the world. Even more reports were coming in. It was time to put a stop to this madness.

I am only a new glitch hunter, but Ender thought I'd be the best one for the job.

I walked into the forest quietly, listening for his footsteps. But I heard nothing, maybe he'd hidden himself.

Then from above I heard a sound. He was there in a tree, not hiding at all, he seemed to be waiting for me.  He worn a crisp white cloak that covered his face, except his eyes shone out, a strong bloody red.

"Your pretty quick to the chase, even if you are just a kid," he said, he was lazing in the tree branches.

I mean I guess I looked a bit like a kid. Probably shouldn't of worn my purple striped shirt. Still I had to be strong.

"I'm not a kid!" I said.

"Keep telling yourself that, one day soon it might come true," Entity replied, "besides did I ever say there was anything wrong? I am impressed."

"Your coming with me!" I said, "surrender or I'll take you with force."

He laughed, "I shake in my boots."

"This is your last chance I mean it!" I said. He really shouldn't of said that. I drew my swords from my back. At least I'd had the sense to wear them.

He looked at my swords and then at my face. Maybe he hadn't looked hard enough, my eyes were quite dim at the moment. But I saw his posture change.

"Your HeraBrine?" He said, "sister to Herobrine."

"Enough talk," I said and I lunged.


"Entity 0?" Evelyn asked.

I shrugged. I had never heard of an Entity 0, but we were gonna find out.

Evelyn finally turned to face me. Her eyes were glowing lightly purple. I didn't scream though I might have.

"What's wrong?" Evelyn said, "you look like you've seen a creeper."

"Your eyes." I said, "there glowing."

"My eyes are what?!" Evelyn shrieked. She ran to the waters edge and screamed. I'd always had glowing eyes, but I guess for newbies it was scary.

"Oh my god!" Evelyn said, "my eyes! What happened to my eyes!"

I felt bad for her. Even though the eyes kinda suited her. She curled up by the waterside. I walked up to her. She however grabbed onto me, hugging my legs.

"What's my mother going to say," she said crying.

I put my hand down on her shoulder. "Did anything weird happen during the battle."

She looked shocked for a second, then said slowly. "They called me EvelynEnder. Then during the battle I knocked away an arrow without touching it. They must of known. But how?"

"Entity 0 must know something," I said. She at least had stopped crying now. I peeled her off my legs gently.

"We have to find them!"

"Hold on, they attacked us." I said, "we want to find them when we have the upper hand. Meaning we need to find you some gear, and get some information on them."

"Do you think they have something to do with Mina?" Evelyn said quietly.

"Possibly," I said, but knew they probably did.

"Then we have to hurry to save her!"

Mina did try to kill us, but I kind of hated seeing Evelyn so upset.

"We'll look for information," I said lightly.

Evelyn nodded and glanced down at the water. Instantly she jumped up in fright.

"I'm a freak now," she said.

"I have glowing eyes am I a freak," I said.

"No but your cool. Your an awesome fighter. I'm nobody!" She looked at her feet.

"You did well fighting the red eyed children back there," I said. "Were in this together now, I need you."


This time I meant it. "Really."

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