Chapter 24: In which Evelyn faces her fear

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The figure stood rigid, not far from us. 

"What have you done to my little Entity 135?" the voice purred, it was so distorted I couldn't tell the person's gender. This could only be Entity 0.

"Your Entity 0," I said.

"I'm sure you have lots to say," Entity 0 answered, "But first a change in scenery."They snapped their fingers and suddenly we were all in the forest again.

Hera jerked her head around. I wanted badly for her to stay still so Entity 0 would stay focused on me. But no such luck.

"I really ought to give you what you have coming little Brine, to bad someone cares about you," they said. "Pity I can't repay you the damages you've done to my little minions." They beckoned toward 135. "Luckily he only said I couldn't hurt you."

Hera froze, quite literally.

"What did you do to her?!" I screamed.

"It won't hurt her unfortunately," Entity 0 said causally. "She'll be fine, eventually."

Entity 0 started to walk toward me, "something is troubling me."

I said nothing. Entity 0 stopped a few feet away. I still could't see their face.

"Who are you EvelynEnder?"

That puzzled me. I wanted to say that I'd never met them in my life. "Your worst nightmare." I growled, I drew my diamond sword for effect.

Entity started to laugh, which sounded even creepier then when they talked. "I can fly, and at my command all the mobs in this area will pour into the clearing, all determined to destroy you. What do you have have?" Entity said.

"Well.." I paused, what did I have, the barely practiced ability to deflect things. A teleportation power that made me sick. "I can tell you what I don't have. Arrogance and a sense of self preservation."

I couldn't see Entity's face but I could of sworn they groaned. As if they were thinking, this is who has downed all my minions?

What I hadn't mentioned was my determination.

"What have you done with Mina." I said lowly.

Entity stopped laughing, they tilted there head. "Who is Mina to you?"

"My little sister, you and your lot did something to her, and I'm going to get her back." I snapped.

"Interesting, you seem to mean it," Entity replied, "how much do you love this sister. Would you fight with everything you have for her."

"Yes," I said without hesitation.

"Then fight!" Entity screamed, around me trees started to float, 135's body disappeared. Hera fell to the floor frozen still. "Show me what you have EvelynEnder! I will kill you now."

Part of me wanted to run. I mean this was terrifying. But for Hera and Mina's sakes I held my ground. The first tree barely missed me, it smashed at my feet. I drove to avoid the next one. But the next two caught me in there branches.

Entity 0 watched me struggle. "Your weak," they spat.

I reached out with my powers and teleported on top of the tree behind them. I saw them look slightly confused, then I lunged for their head. At the last second they threw me aside.

"Is that all you have Evelyn? Little tricks."

They screamed again, and all around me I heard mobs coming. The clacking of bones, clicking of fangs and groans of zombies.

"This is where you die!" they screamed.

I struggled to find a way out of the hordes. But then around me I saw purple particles, enderman had responded to Entity's call to arms.

"Help me, help me," I whispered to them. I didn't expect anything to happen but they looked down at me. "Help me win this." I asked them, "please."

I watched as several enderman turned on the other mobs and began to fight them. Entity's face turned to rage.

Well they were distracted I teleported again, this time so I was right behind them.

"This is how much I love my sister," I whispered, then I slashed them. The sound that erupted from them was so loud it knocked me off the tree top.


I tried not to shake in my boots at this. Instead I said with a forced smile, "I'm a thorn in many people's sides, just ask Hera."

"Next time we meet it will be over a grave, I have a favor to do now." Entity 0 said. 

Entity 0 turned and warped away.

"Your not a thorn in my side," Hera said from behind me.

She came to me and picked me up.

"You've never been a thorn in my side," Hera said. Then she whispered closely in my ear, "you did a good job against Entity."

Warmth burned though my body. Then I leaned in without thinking, till Hera and I's noses brushed each other. Then our lips found each other, I closed my eyes. Maybe the coming night was cold, but Hera would be my torch.  

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