Chapter 30: In which Hera becomes Auntie Hera

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"Hera is that you?!"

I turned around and was nearly bowled over by Steve. He caught me in a tight hug.

"Yes its me," I said muffled. I lightly hugged back, I was happy to see that he was okay.

He pulled back and held me at arms length, "you look the same as when I last saw you."

I looked him up and down, he was stronger looking, slightly toughed I supposed by forest life. But he still had a boyish look. "You haven't changed much either, prince Steve."

He laughed, then glanced at Evelyn, who had backed off a bit and was standing awkwardly to the side. Steve jumped back when he saw her.

"Who is that?!" He sounded a bit frightened.

Evelyn waved awkwardly, one of her wings flapped along. "I'm Evelyn, well I guess I'm Queen Evelyn now, but thats only since today. Erm- nice to meet you Steve."

Steve looked to me, "she's with you?"

"Yeah," I said slightly defensive, "she is."

Steve looked back and forth between us as if gauging us, then he broke out into a grin. I punched him lightly on the shoulder. "Where's Alex?"

"Back at the cottage, you haven't met my children yet, Jack and Katrina. Their gonna adore you." He smiled. "Katrina asks about you all the time."

"Oh joy..." I muttered.

Just then there was a tremendous bark. A huge grey wolf bounded out of the forest. It jumped up on me nearly knocking me over. 

"Fluffy?" I asked.

Steve blushed slightly. Then he looked sternly at the dog, "down Fluffy."

The dog ran to Steve's side and sat down. Steve scratched his head.

"Not much of a guard dog?"

"You should see him with the chickens, Alex threw a fit." He shrugged helplessly. "Come on, both of you. Alex made a pie today, and this is a perfect excuse to get some."

Steve started off, I quickly grabbed onto Evelyn, "your coming too."

"Are you sure I'm welcome?" She muttered.

"I'll fight Steve if he says anything different," I replied.

I dragged her along with me. Soon we were in sight of a small house. It was mostly square with a small front, a cute little porch was off to one side. There was a rich farm and a small chicken enclosure. Steve's river ran off to the side, with a tiny dock and chair on it. I guess Steve really did get his dream.

"Alex!" He called, "we have company."

From inside I saw forms moving. Then the door swung open and a small woman came out. Alex looked slightly aged, but still youthful. She was smaller then me or Evelyn, and her hair was ginger. But she looked quite a lot like me in her structure, kinda creepy when I thought about it. Save the eyes and hair we could of been sisters.

"Hera," she said, she wasn't quite as excitable as Steve, "its so good to see you again."

Then she saw Evelyn, she did a better job hiding it.

"And you are..?" She asked Evelyn.

"Evelyn, erm- Queen Evelyn I guess," she shrugged, "its nice to meet you Alex."

Alex smiled warmly, she was more motherly then anyone else I'd met, she came forward and clasped Evelyn's hand, "its lovely to meet you too."

That was when there was a great commotion within the house. A young girl came bounding out, she looked like a little version of Steve.

"Auntie Hera! Auntie Hera!" She yelled, she ran toward me and leapt. I hugged her somewhat awkwardly.

"Katrina," Alex chided, "you mustn't crowd our visitors."

I put Katrina down.

"Aw mom," she said, "but its exciting."

Another form lingered in the doorway. A slightly older boy who looked like Alex, he didn't say anything.

"That's my son Jack." Alex explained.

"We have no idea where he got his quietness from," Steve joked.

"Certainly not from you," I replied.

That was when Katrina noticed Evelyn.

"Oh my goodness," she exclaimed, "who ARE you?" 

"Evelyn," I could tell she was getting tired of this, "I mean, Queen Evelyn."

Katrina crept closer, "are those real!?"

She was looking at Evelyn's wings. Evelyn looked embarrassed.


"Can you fly?" Katrina seemed to be trying to touch them now, but stopped under Alex's glare.

"Yeah, kinda." Evelyn shrugged.

"THAT IS SO COOL!" Katrina yelled, "take me on a ride. Take me on a ride." She was jumping up and down.

"Later," Alex said, "first we will have dinner. Hera, Evelyn, you must be hungry."

I wasn't very hungry, but I nodded. Katrina was rounded into the house with the combined effort of Steve and Alex.

"Your family has energy." Evelyn said, she still looked slightly uncomfortable.

I wasn't happy to break the news of the impending attack, but what other choice did we have.

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