Chapter 43: In which Evelyn is almost kidnapped

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"I guess that leaves us with one option, even though its crazy. Can we recover Steve?" I asked.

Ender shook his head. 

"Is there a way Hero?" Hera asked.

He looked at her face, Both Hera and I could tell he disliked this plan, "possibly. But it's going to be difficult."  

Those were words that filled me with hope. Maybe I didn't need to be convicted of Steve's murder after all!

"What do we need to do?" I asked Hero.

He didn't look at me, instead he focused on Ender. "If I do this for you and Notch I need something in return."

Hera clenched her fists, I moved to her and put an arm around her shoulder. This wasn't what she was expecting.

"What are you asking for," Ender kept his voice level so I couldn't tell what he was really thinking, but he tapped his toe. In some ways he was like me.

"I want to be completely off your radars, I want you to free me completely of Mojang, I don't want to have to run or hide anymore from you people." Hero crossed his arms, "I also want you to free Hera if she desires, she's been a slave to your company for long enough."

Hera tensed a bit. I looked to Ender and saw his face fall slightly. "Is that all?" He asked, there was an edge in his voice.

Hero's eyes flared, which caused Ender to flinch, "I also want a written apology from Notch himself."

I wanted to laugh at that. But clearly neither member of the other members of our little party thought this was funny. Ender's expression had shrank. I couldn't see Hera's face but I felt like I was hugging a board.

"The first two are possible," Ender said slowly, "but the last one..."

"Does Notch want his brat back or not?" Hero sneered.

"He's your brother too you know," Ender said.

Hero began to shake. Hera broke from my arms and stepped in between them.

"Please don't fight, this is about saving innocent people. Steve and Evelyn. We can work this out later." She held her hands out to both of them. As if she could stop Hero if he attacked Ender. But maybe she could.

Ender settled down. Hero stopped shaking but he was still angry.

"I'll see what I can do Hero," Ender said curtly, "Notch will be grateful."

I half expected Hero to rip Ender's head off, and so did Hera based on her expression, but Hero remained unmoving. 

I decided to change gears, "so what do we need to bring Steve back?"

Hero's gaze settled on me. But his flaring eyes didn't effect my ender ones. Even if I was in my human form. He said, "I need traces of his code."

"Where can we get those?"

"When you enchant items you pour a bit of yourself into them," Hero said, "if we can get a few of his tools then that might be enough."

"We'll need to travel to his home again then." Hera said, "I think I still remember the location."

I looked her over again. She was slumped slightly, tired out. Hero must of noticed too.

"No." We both said. I felt a bit of heat rise to my face.

I continued my speech, "No. We can use my enderman. They know where it is too. Then we all save our energy."

Perhaps this was the first time Hero and I were on the same page. He still was terrifying though, thank goodness for my enderman side, if I didn't have it I'd probably run in terror and fall into lava. How Ender stood him I don't know.

I summoned my ender guards to me. They all came chattering at me in concern. I couldn't even catch what each was saying they were all talking at once. But one thing became clearer to me, they wanted to take me home to the End to heal.

"No," I said in enderman speech, "I need to go back to the house."

A new wave of chattering rose, they liked this idea even less. I think a couple of them were prepared to kidnap me all over again. Everyone else must of been confused by what was happening.

"Take. Me. Back!" I gritted my teeth. The chattering stopped and they stared at me. I think they got the point, maybe... 

"Ready everyone?"

We all disappeared.

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