Chapter 35: Hera's battle

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The battle had gone well so far. I had only been hit once by a rouge arrow. I was around the side of the house. Not to close to Evelyn's ender guard, but still sheltering there, looking out for stray monsters. Evelyn fought like a demon cat, I had watched her pounce and generally terrorize the monsters, they didn't stand a chance. That made me smile.

Suddenly the ground shook. I looked just in time to almost be hit by a wave of blocks, they smashed into the house, some of them destroying sections. The enderman scattered as another wave hit. I ducked under a block that narrowly missed my head. Steve's house was being completely wrecked, by something. And I was almost certain who that something was.

The next wave came, but was lesser, I was coming back to my senses again. Then I heard a scream, "STEVE."

I cursed, why couldn't he just do as he was told. I ran around to the front of the house, only to watch the last of the blocks piling beside the house. My annoyance turned to horror, Steve had been buried. Probably in the same way I had been. He had no chance of digging out. Standing in front was a white cloaked figure, they had there back to me. 

I charged at them without pausing. However Evelyn was faster then me, she sliced through the air heading toward the figure, who didn't show any sign of seeing her.


I hadn't seen the bow raised.

I watched Evelyn spiral downward, an arrow lodged in her wing. She stirred feebly as the enderman swarmed her. I didn't stop, though my chest hurt when I saw her fall. I jumped past Entity 0 and onto the pile. Surprising they didn't attempt to stop me, they just watched me dig through it to find Steve. Which wasn't a good sign.

Please be okay. Please be okay. 

I dug his head out first, his eyes were closed but loosely. I pulled him out and lay him down, he was limp. 

Entity said nothing to me.

I fell to my knees beside him and listened for any sign of life from Steve, but I found none. He was dead. I got shakily to my feet, tears had started to stream down my face already. Steve's kids and wife all alone. Steve gone.

Entity watched me get up, I could sense their amusement. "I don't know why you are so determined to get yourself killed by me." They said, they flicked a final block at Steve's house, which hit with a tremendous crash. 

I clenched my fists. 

"Really you should be off somewhere else, enjoying slaving away for people who don't care about you." Entity added.

Anger coursed through me, it was redder and hotter then anything. "You killed my brother."

"Was he really though," Entity mocked. "You were hardly Notch's daughter."

"I will kill you," I said a deadly tone entering my voice, I took out both of my swords. I was shaking very hard, but gripping them brought me some focus.

"I could kill you as quickly as I killed him, I already proved that," Entity said. Penny and Tyson appeared in front of them, "of course you risk hurting your fellow workers if you attack now. I doubt daddy would like that." Entity was provoking me. I had to wait for an opening then, I had to kill them for Steve. Penny and Tyson both looked blank.

"I need to you deliver this message to Notch," Entity said to them. A command we'd used at Mojang, they would record the message and take it to Notch directly. I glanced at Evelyn, and saw in a gap between ender forms she was laying motionless on the grass. Another flash of pain tore through me. How had one arrow done that much damage. I didn't hear the message over the sudden rush in my ears. It was several minutes later. Then both Penny and Tyson were gone.

"Pity really," Entity said, "I would of loved to kill them too. But someone needs to give my little message. I can't kill you either, I'm afraid I have an agreement to uphold." Entity sounded bitter. "I really would of loved to crush the life out of you, just like your so called brother. What was his name? Steve? He was easy to kill, pathetic really." 

I felt more anger rush in. I wanted to slit Entity's throat. But something else was stirring, they wanted this, so they could try to kill me too. That was when I became aware of someone moving slightly to my left.

Evelyn had gotten up again. She had a sword out and a wicked gleam in her eye.

"You promised my brother Herobrine." I said anger painted my voice into a snarl.

She teleported then, right behind Entity, and with one hit brought her sword down on Entity's head.

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