Chapter 38: In which Hera denies her father

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A/N: only ten more chapter to go now. Thank you to everyone who has made it this far :D


Once Herobrine was gone I started towards the house. I didn't look at Steve's body, I couldn't bring myself to. I'd rather remember him as he was when he lived. Alex had been hidden in the mine with the children. The entrance was by the stairs under a trap door. I open it and began to climb down the long ladder in silence. I had stopped crying and when I reached the bottom of the long lonely dark tunnel, I stopped to wipe away my tears. For Alex I'd need to be strong. 

I walked down the mine shaft looking for an obsidian room. While I walked I thought about Evelyn. Evelyn saving me, Evelyn telling me I was beautiful for the first time. Evelyn when I kissed her after our first meeting with Entity 0. Finally Evelyn broken in Hero's arms. The last one broke my heart.

I nearly banged into the obsidian. I took out my pickaxe and chopped at the wall, from inside there was scuffling. I broke the top block first.

"Hera, is everything okay?" Alex said, then she saw my face and froze, so much for being strong. She gasped, "what's happened, where's Steve? Where's Evelyn?"

I shook my head, "Alex- Alex, Steve is, he has," I hesitated, "he's been killed."

Alex blinked as if in disbelief. "No," she shook her head, "that can't be true."

I started on the bottom block. 

"Where's daddy?" I heard Katrina say. Alex didn't answer.

I finally got the second block broken. But Alex didn't move. Katrina looked between us in sweet confusion. "Where is daddy, mommy?" 

Alex closed her eyes, and sat down on the ground, her head in her hands. Jack came up behind her, "who killed him?"

I shook my head.

"Who killed who?" Katrina chimed in.

"Who killed our father!" Jack yelled at me. "TELL ME."

"Entity 0," I said, Alex let out a huge sob. Katrina looked confused, but tears were running down her face.

"Come with me," I said, "you can't stay here." 

Shakily Alex climbed to her feet. She leaned on me for support, Katrina grabbed onto my hand. Jack stayed behind.

"Come Jack," I soothed.

"I'll kill them!" He screamed. He ran past us and up the tunnel.

"Jack," Alex said weakly. She reached for him, but stumbled. I slowly helped move her toward the ladder. Katrina held on to me with a death grip. When we reached the ladder I told Katrina and Alex to go first. Katrina pulled herself up, followed by Alex, who's every move was slow and painful. The silence was broken by sobs.

When we reached the top I got a surprise. I hadn't been fast enough. Ender was standing in the house. Alex ran toward him and collapsed into his arms crying.

"He's dead. Steve's been killed."

Ender soothed her quietly, Jack stood to the side, dark shadows crossing his face. 

"Auntie Hera, what are we going to do?" Katrina said. 

I didn't have anything to say.

"Was daddy brave?" Katrina asked.

I choked, "very brave. He loved you and your brother and mother more then anything."

She held on to me. 

That was when Ender's words came through to me. "Alex, Notch would like to see you." He said, Jenny came in to the house, she took Alex's hand.

"Everything will be okay dear," she said softly, "just hold onto me." Alex leaned against her heavily. Jenny looked to Katrina, "come here sweetie." She said with warmth in her voice. I walked Katrina to her and gave her the little girls hand. Jack came closer to, then they were all gone.

"It's better this way," Ender said, "that way the kids don't see their father's body."

I nodded weakly.

"Notch wants to talk to you Hera," he said, "he told me you warned him Steve was in trouble. He is grieving."

"I can't come," I said.

"He trusts you now Hera, he wants your help finding Steve's killer. He wants you to stand with him as his daughter. He realizes he misjudged you Hera."

I shook my head, a little giggle escaped my lips. "Too little too late." I found my anger rising, "Steve didn't need to die. You guys should have listened to me, you should have protected him. WE HAD TO DO EVERYTHING!"

Ender looked slightly confused, "you mean you and Penny? Hera please come back. Your father needs you."

I exploded, "really? NOW he needs me? He's sorry he treated me like a waste of space. Well guess what. A good man died today and he didn't have to! Steve was a better father then Notch could ever be! And now because of Notch he doesn't get to be a father anymore. HE DIDN'T EVEN GET TO MEET HIS THIRD KID. Good bye Ender, take care of Alex and her children, don't fail them this time."

"Wait Hera-"

But I was gone.


I arrived in front of Herobrine's castle. It was in the nether, so the temperature rose immediately around me. I sprinted for the gates to where Evelyn would be. When I burst into the throne room Herobrine had Evelyn resting on a bed, Entity 237 hoovered nearby, but there had been no changes to Evelyn's condition.

I came closer to her and touched her cheek. "Please wake up Evelyn."

Herobrine approached me, "she's going to be okay. But in order to save her I had to change her code around." 

He tapped her and she reverted to her human form. "She should be able to control her transformations, I managed to stop the degrading otherwise she would have turned into an ender dragon completely."

"Thank you," I said, I fell into his arms and hugged him.

"But she may not remembered things that have happened, she's different than us. She had a life before and I couldn't save that. I'm not sure what she'll remeber." He said he shook his head.

I gazed down at her, and watched her breathing. On closer inspection she looked healthier then she had. There was more colour in her now.

"When will she wake up?"

"She's waking up now."

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