Chapter 29: In which Evelyn gets body guards

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Hera had found me here. Not only that, but she also didn't mind the wings!

"The enderman brought me here," I said, "maybe they'll put me back?"

Hera nodded, "worth a try, better then getting yelled at by Notch."


"He wasn't thrilled to put me here. Though come to think of it, I'm not sure he's ever been thrilled by me since the day Hero left." She shrugged slightly.

I felt sadness for her. But no time now, we had to get out of the End.

"Mind if I try something?" I asked. 


I walked up to Hera and then behind her. I wrapped my hands around her, then I took flight. She gave a cry of surprise. I flew up and up to the shortest pillar, then landed. Gently I let her go. She grinned wickedly at me.

"That was really fun," she said.

I nodded a small smile played on my face. Then I walked to the edge of the pillar. "Attention enderman." I yelled as loud as I could, the effect was immediate. Hundreds of enderman gathered under me. "I need to go back to the overworld, however I am looking for a certain building."

I leaned close to Hera, "what does it look like?"

"Cobble stone walls with wood supports, its in an oak forest by a river." 

"The building I am looking for is in a forest by a river. It is made of cobblestone with wood. Anyone seen anything like that?" There was a lot of shuffling within the ranks of enderman. I watched as many stepped back, but a couple stepped toward me.

"May I?" I asked Hera.

"You may," she said. I gathered her in my arms again and leapt off the pillar. We descended gently toward the pair of enderman waiting at the bottom.

"Can you take us to this house," I said, more of a command then a question. I listened for there raspy reply.

They inclined their dark heads, "yes Queen."

It still freaked me out to be called a Queen. I tried to keep a straight face. But I was tempted to ask just to be called Evelyn.

"Take us there now." 

They closed in on Hera and I, I gripped her hand lightly. 


She nodded. Then we teleported. It was very dark where we landed, somewhere underground.

"Forgive us," the closest enderman rasped, "we cannot teleport above ground, it is raining."

"That's alright," I said, I had dropped my formality a bit. "How do we get out?"

"We should lead you to the mouth of the cave." They shifted in apparent discomfort. Then at last one spoke. "We dislike to leave you here, where enemies roam. But if this is your will, then we leave you to it. But if you need us, call out to us and we will answer."

It was like they were concerned parents now, very helicoptery parents. What a weird day. It seemed I had a new group of overly protective friends. Friends who considered me their queen. I rubbed my temples, could things get weirder?

Admittedly with my luck, yes. Things could definitely get weirder. 

Hera and I followed them in silence. We passed by other mobs, but they seemed to ignore me. They didn't completely ignore Hera though, so we walked quickly. Soon we reached the mouth of the cave. The enderman cringed away from the rain. It occurred to me that rain might hurt me. I idled near them for a moment not saying anything.

"This is where we leave you," one said.

"Thank you," I replied, then beckoned to Hera, "from both of us."

"Be careful ender Queen, things are stirring in this area. Some great danger looms."

Then they both disappeared.

"That was odd," I said, "it was like having body guards."

"I bet their sensing Entity 0," said Hera darkly. "We have no time to waste."

We stepped out into the rain. I flinched as the first drop hit me. It didn't hurt exactly, but it didn't feel nice.

I must of had a look on my face because Hera said, "are you alright."

"Yeah, ugh rain, I hate rain."

Hera laughed a tiny bit. "It'll be dry in Steve's home, as long as we can find it."

I sensed something then, something moved nearby.

"Hera is that you!?"


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