Chapter 12: In which Evelyn falls apart

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"I found your sister," that was her first words. My legs gave out and I fell to my knees.

"Where is she? Is she safe?" I asked quietly.

The girl tilted her head like she was trying to figure something out. Then she spoke slowly, "your sister tried to kill me."

My world started to crumble. I shook my head. "No."

"She tried to kill you." The girl pointed out. She was sitting up on the bed.

"That wasn't her fault!" I said, "she wasn't like that! It's the red eyes!"

The red eyed children. It was there fault, but then why'd they help us?

But Mina, my sweet little sister. She wasn't a killer.

"The red eyed." The girl repeated contemplating. She swung her legs over the side and got up heavily. Swaying slightly.

"Please help me," I said, "I'm sure if she was your sibling you'd do anything."

The girl flinched slightly. Then sighed and said, "I'm not sure how much I can do, but I'll try."

I clasped my hands together, "thank you." Then as not to be completely desperate I added, "I did save your life."

"We're even." The girl said shortly. "You may recall I did pull you from that house."

Then we were silent.

"I'm Evelyn," I suddenly burst out.

The girl flashed her white eyes at me, "HeraBrine." She said coolly.

I gasped slightly, "are you related to Herobrine?"

"He's my brother," she said plainly.

"That's so cool!" I said.

She raised her eyebrows. Maybe no one had ever called them cool?

"Mina is your younger sister?" She said.

"She's only little," I said.

"And you are her protector?"

"Not really officially, older siblings take care of the younger ones," I said.

She nodded slowly. Then added, "I can take you back to headquarters, but I don't have enough energy now."

"Where do you work?"


My eyes widen, "so Notch is your boss!"

"No he's my father."

I must of looked a bit awe struck, but she didn't pay me any more attention.

She sat down and I followed suit. Out of her inventory she pulled a pink bottle.

"Here," she said, "I think both of us could use it."

I took the bottle and sniffed it. Something very sweet was inside. Hera took a long sip. Bubbles swirled around her and she let out a sigh.

"So tell me your story," Hera said.

"Only if you tell me yours," I said lightly, I was extremely curious.

"Not a chance." She said shortly, "I need your story to report to my boss."

I told her everything that had happened. The whole time she was still. When I finished she said, "and you really don't know how you got here?"

"Not a clue."

"This changes things," she said. "I wonder then, if the red eyed children are others like your sister."

"Maybe..." I said. "What did Mina say to you?"

Hera paused, "she told me to go away."

I nodded.

"Are you going to drink your potion?" Hera asked.

I smelled it again. Then in a fit of bravery I sipped it. It was sweet and fruity. Then I felt strength pour through me, I forgot all about all my worries.

"Woah!" I said. Hera watched my face. It was the first time I'd seen her really smile.

"Strong isn't it," she said.

I nodded. Suddenly I giggled.

"You'll get used to it. My brother and I used to test them out for fun," she said.

"You mean you and Herobrine?"

She didn't answer, her face had tightened like she'd given away something. We sunk back into silence. After some time I was yawning. The good feeling had faded off of me.

"You should sleep," Hera motioned to the bed, "I can stand watch."

"What about you?"

"I've slept more then enough today." She said, "in the morning we need to go. You'll need your energy, they'll be a lot of questions to be answered."

I nodded. Then I got into the bed. How odd it was staring up at the stars. Hera settled down beside me.

For a moment everything was peaceful. The calm before the storm.

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