Chapter 21: In which Hera gets jump scared

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Evelyn and I lay on our beds out in the forest. Both of us had been fairly silent since the cave. What had passed between us in that moment in the water? Did it mean something? Evelyn said she thought I was beautiful, thinking about that seemed to make me go red in the face. I'd never felt this before, and yet I felt better when she was close to me. Where I could keep her safe.

I looked over at her, she was staring at the sky, maybe she'd fallen asleep already. I watched as the minutes passed, but she didn't move. Silently I slipped out of bed and stood at her side, she looked peaceful in her sleep. Her face softened, her hair was haphazard on the pillow. She looked vulnerable. I remembered what she was like when I found her. How she was kind to me, even when I didn't really deserve it, and yet she always was. The only other one kind to me was Ender and even he kept his distance. But she stayed close, like I was something to her. I was a person to her, how odd.

I made a silent promise to myself that I'd repay her kindness.

I settled back down into my bed and somehow managed to close my eyes. But as I drifted one thought kept reoccurring, I was falling for Evelyn. I wondered if she felt the same.

The morning came over us quickly. Evelyn was still snoring though, how they girl slept through the sunrise, I had no idea.

"Evelyn?" I tapped her. She didn't even stir, this was awfully familiar. I sighed.

"Wake up!" I said louder.

I took out my pickaxe but when I looked back she was gone. I startled. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I cried out in fright.

"Got you," I heard Evelyn chuckle.

"How'd you do that?" I said, I tried to keep my voice level, even though energy pumped through me.

"New power I guess," she shrugged. "I sensed I was about to be thrown out of bed, again."

"I wasn't," I said, I quickly put away my pickaxe. "Do it again."

She closed her eyes, then she was ten blocks away. When she opened her eyes they glowed brighter.

"Your eyes," I said, "they got brighter."

Evelyn flinched, "not a fun of the flashlight face thing." I could tell she was upset.

"I think it suits you," I said.

"I guess I can see in caves now," Evelyn said.

"I didn't like my eyes at first either," I told her honestly. "But they are useful."

Evelyn teleported back to my side. Then she stumbled slightly.

"Guess I'm not that strong yet," she said, "is that tree supposed to be sideways?"

I shook my head. Then I helped lower her to the ground. She held her head in her hands.

"Better?" I asked.

She nodded slightly.

"I just need practice," she said lightly. "Being an ender is harder then I thought."

She tried to stand and semi tumbled. I took her arm and helped heave her into her bed.

"Take a rest for now, then we'll try again."

"Okay," she looked thoughtful, "I have a question though about Herobrine, would you answer it?"

She looked so hopeful. Something in me crumbled, "fine."

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