Chapter 28: In which Hera solves a mystery

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Evelyn was gone without a trace. At first I panicked, maybe the Entity's had come for her. But I realized there would of been a struggle if that was true.

I flirted with the notion that she had left me of her own free will. But realized quickly that I was being ridiculous. But still she was missing. I sat on the floor of the cave feeling lost. There was no disturbances in the area that were unnatural. I looked around again, nothing moved. Then something occurred to me, where were the roosting enderman. I focused on natural disturbances and sure enough there was a large number that were recent. It was a ridiculous idea that the enderman could of kidnapped Evelyn, but possible. I knew immediately where they would of taken her too. They would of taken her home, to the End.

The problem was I couldn't teleport there. Perhaps I could find the resources for a portal. However I doubted Steve had that much time before he was ruthlessly attacked. Which left one option. I had to call upon my father.

I sighed, he would probably be angry. Likely he wouldn't help me at all, but what other option did I have. I needed to get to the End and now.

I reached out and found Mojang headquarters, "father," I called, "I need to talk to you."

I then saw Notch. He slumped slightly in his seat, he had his head in his hands. "Yes Hera." He said, completely monotone. 

"I need you to send me to the End." 

He looked up now, something sparked in his eyes. "You know Hera, I'm hesitant to help you at all, or even listen to you, after that stunt you pulled. Return to this building immediately." He said the last part as a command.

I wavered under the force of it, but then thought of Steve, "your son, my brother, Steve is in danger."

He sighed, "Penny came piping in earlier. But I told her, as I will tell you, we are doing everything we can to protect ourselves."

I felt as he tried to shut me out. "No father," I said strongly. "Penny said your guarding your own buildings, Entity 0 isn't after those, its Steve. " I pleaded on the last part.

"We're all hands on deck Hera," he said, then added, "we could use you too."

Normally that statement would of shocked me, or made me mad. I shook my head, "I need to go to the End father."

He sunk deeper into his chair. "Ender trusts you," he said thoughtfully, "why he does is beyond me. Do you truly and beyond any doubt believe Steve is the target."

"Yes," I had to stop myself from shouting, "look at the map, there's been far more sightings in his sector."

He shook his head, "but why would Entity 0 want Steve." He almost sounded like he was asking himself.

"He's your son!" this time I couldn't keep my tone even.

"He can defend himself, I saw to that."

I almost laughed, "you haven't really seen him with a sword." He wasn't very good. "Entity is the strongest thing I've ever faced." 

Notch considered, then with a deep sigh of giving up he said, "I have no time for this Hera," he said, "however you've done well enough without you. If you think Steve is in danger then go to him."

I felt a rush of relief, "thank you Notch."

"Then once you see all is well, you are to come home," he added sternly.

"Of course father."

I felt the air around me grow thinner as I was lifted to the End by invisible forces. I just hoped I had been right.


The End was as plain as ever. Except all the enderman were at one end. Way off in the distance was a figure standing on a pillar. I gasped as I watched them jump, but then they soared through the air on a pair of massive wings. As they came closer I realized who they were. It was Evelyn.

Her face literally lit up when she saw me. Gracefully she landed in front of me, looking nervous. Her hair was even purpler, and her eyes even brighter. I noticed the leathry dragon wings folded on her back. The dress she worn was light purple and flowing where it gathered at her feet. She smiled sheepishly.

"You look beautiful," I said.

She looked down, "even with the wings?"

I walked to her and stoked them, so soft. "The wings make you even more beautiful."

She smiled a tiny bit more. "I guess."

I caught her hand. "So what happened?"

"I was kidnapped," then she lowered her voice, "they think I'm there leader." She blushed deeply.

"It's Queen Evelyn then?" I teased lightly.

"I supposed, Queen Evelyn Ender." She said, "I'm not much of a Queen though."

I smiled, "You'll figure it out. Now how do we leave?"

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