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Headline: Park Firm Holds "Important Meeting", New Project in the Works?

A black table stretches from the front to the back of the room. Huge, stiff black chairs are lined neatly. If this weren't a meeting, I would say it'd make for a great villain scene in a movie. Important people slowly trail in and right off the bat, I can name every one of them.

CEOs and Presidents of the biggest companies in Korea. All of them dressed plainly. You see, something I realised a few years back was that rich people don't look rich. Rich people don't wear flashy Gucci all the time to flaunt their wealth. They prove their wealth by buying the littlest things worth the most amount of money. A 1.2 million dollar earing here, some 2 million dollar bracelet there.

A part of me feels incredibly proud, seeing all the ladies in the room. However, in all of it, I stand out. All the ladies are clad in fashionable dresses and scarves. Scarves have been back in season recently, it appears.

Me? A scarf tied my jet black hair up. High heels, long black pants, a simple blouse and the most badass blazer - at least that's how Mira described my look. Mira has been with me through it all - my high school years, university and now work. I run the biggest law firm in Korea and Mira has been by my side through it all as my secretary. A running joke we had back in high school was that if we ever ended up working together, Mira would drive me around because I could never get my driver's licence.

Little did we know it would happen. Mira isn't as talkative as I am - she's more quiet, reserved, snarky. But that's what I love about her. She is calm when issues arise which makes her the perfect secretary.

Secretaries of CEOs and Presidents stand behind the to take notes for them and cater to their every need. I take my seat in one of the seats at the front where my name card is.

"Kim Hana". My parents wanted a simple name for me so that foreigners would be able to pronounce it which would give me better chances of a high-paying job overseas. As I grew up, I realised how wrong that mentality was, but a name is a name.

Anywho, back to the point.

"Kick some ass," Mira says silently in my ear before making her way to her spot behind me. I chuckle lowly at that. Her flat unenthusiastic voice only emphasises the irony of the situation. We've both studied English - again, just in case we wanted jobs overseas.

This whole meeting is for a project the Park Firm wants to start that needs support - hence why we are here. My company, Kim Law Firm (I hated complicated names), is arguably the biggest company here. The only company bigger than ours? The company hosting this meeting, the Park Firm. The Parks are old money, they grew rich from their ancestors. But recently, their CEO had pulled them up to become the biggest law firm in Korea - our direct competitors.

I let out a low sigh at how we were still waiting around for other people to show up. Feeling absolutely bored to death about the slow pace and the only sounds being the clicking on heels and shoes, I pull out my phone and start texting Mira.

Me: when do you think rich people will stop showing up "fashionably late"

Minnie: you're rich too

Me: your point?

Minnie: sigh.

Me: im going to actually die of boredom

Minnie: im not even going to die of boredom in the meeting - im going to die standing waiting for it to start

Her text elicits a soft laugh out of me. No one shoots me a look since everyone is too busy typing away some evil plan, probably. But that doesn't last for long when a deep voice speaks up on my right.

"What's so funny?"

My laugh immediately stops as I turn in surprise. A man with the brownest hair and the greyest eyes are looking back at me. His question is not snarky or implying that I am unprofessional, just purely curious.

"Oh, just a text," I give my polite chuckle.

I have never seen you before.

I can feel my phone buzzing with panicked texts from Mira. I know her well enough to know they're all about this traditionally-attractive man before me. Mira doesn't express love and her crushes in high school had always been short-lived. The one thing she would always freak out about was my love life.

"I'm Jungkook from Jeon Communications," he sticks his hand out.

Informality? That's a first.

Mira doesn't suppress the tiniest shriek that I know Jungkook heard. I smile and shake his hand.

"Kim from Kim Law Firm," I give a small nod. He pouts.

"I gave you my actual name. And I already know your name from the company's name," he says in mock seriousness.

"Are you usually this casual with your peers?" I ask genuinely.

"I don't like the stiff business world so why not lighten it up if I can?" he replies.

Cliche- but no one's actually ever said this before.

"You're interesting," I say.

"You speak your thoughts out a lot," he remarks.

"We've been only talking for a minute, you can't say that," I gasp in mock anger. He chuckles at that.

"Who's your secretary?" he nods towards Mira.

"You interested in her?" I wiggle my brows suggestively. His face pales before blood rushes back in, like waves.

Have I gone too far with the teasing?

"No, but my secretary might be," he lowers his voice into a whisper.

His reply put me at ease. No lawsuit today.

He raises his brows and his eyes dart to his left, his hand pointing behind him discreetly. His eyes sparkle with mischief. Curious, I look behind and see a man who looks just a year older than him.

"What's his name?" I ask, distracted as I watch him pass looks with Mira.

"Now are you interested in him?" he jokes and I flush red.

"Yah! Don't say such things," I mumble in embarrassment.

"His name's Taehyung. I met him in high school," he explains.

"Ah. I met Mira in high school too. How old are you?" I ask curiously.

"Twenty-two. And you're twenty-one," he remarks.

"How'd you know?" I ask in surprise.

"Top 10 youngest self-made millionaires in Korea," he quotes a headline I've read a thousand times before.

"It's nothing much. You're on that list too, no?" I ask. He nods proudly and I grin back.

"I've never had this kind of conversation in a meeting before," he admits.

"Yeah. I think I would've been sued by someone else if I'd suggested they were into Mira. Rich people don't usually-" I stop myself as I realise what I've said.

Damn you and your constant name-calling of rich people, Hana.

"Sorry- I didn't mean to- rich people- and- just-" I struggle to apologise and he bursts out laughing. This time, people look.

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