Chapter 1

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The remake of the book is out. Same Title as this one. If you don't want to read this cringe mess than please read the other one.


"UUUHHHHHHHHHH WHY CAN'T YOU DO WHAT I WANT DIPSHIT. WHY CANT YOU JUST GO DIE IN A HOLE FOR ALL I CARE" Mabel yelled in her bratty voice. I felt so hurt. So heartbroken. Why did she say that? I thought she was my best friend, my twin.

I heard the stairs creak as someone made their way up the stairs. Grunkle stan opened the door looking agitated. "What the hell is going on in here all I hear is bickering back to back between the both of you," said Gruncle stan with Gruncle ford behind him also looking agitated. "Dipper was being terrible to me all because he doesn't like glitter on his bed," she said while she "cried."

"You have your side of the room Mabel don't use mine!" I yelled. "Look kid I need you to be nice to your sister and let her put glitter on your bed." Grunckle stan said rubbing his temple with his fingers.

"But why this is my side, not her side, meaning she can't put her SHINY glitter on my side."  They are pushing my buttons. *SLAP* is all you can hear in the room. Slowly my hand made their way to my cheeks to feel the stingy pain. I looked at the ford and he was pissed.

" WOULD YOU SHUT UP YOU USELESS FREAK JUST FUCKIN DEAL WITH IT YOU UNGRATEFUL CHILD," Ford yelled with venom in his voice. Tears begin to fall out of my eyes as his words replay in my head.

I turned around to grab the 3 journals and ran out of the room. "WHERE ARE YOU GOING" I heard Mabel yelled. 'Ignore them dipper there not worth your time. I ran to the kitchen grabbing apples, sandwiches, and waters stuffing them in my bag with the journals.

I swung my bookbag around my shoulders as I ran out the door away from the mystery shack. I don't even want to see them anymore. My legs lead me towards the forest, while my mind was looking for my favorite spot only now.

I stopped to catch my breath as I see the waterfall with a lot of different flowers and other plants surrounding it like a gate. Keeping other creatures and humans from going in.

I placed my hands on the thorn causing a little bit of blood to flow onto the thorn. The flower gate begins to separate making a passageway to the waterfall. I walked in seeing the fairies flying around. I chuckled as one of them started to pout.

All of their attention went on me. "Hey guys" It was still silent until."DIPPER!" They all shouted flying to me. "Hi guys how have you been. . . And where are the pups, are they in there hideout asleep?" " we've been doing good and Yes they fell asleep before you got here," one of the fairies said.

"Alright, and can I stay here for a little bit" one of the fairies flew up to me putting her small hands on my cheeks. "Is it them aga- WHAT HAPPEN TO YOUR CHEEK? DID ONE OF THEM HURT YOU AGAIN" the fairy shouted. "Ummm yeah, but I'm alright. . . I think"

"Dipper if you want you can stay here with us," the toddler fairy said. I chuckled and took my hands out. She hopped onto my hands giggling as I tickled her little tummy. "I would stay, but I don't want to put all of you in danger"

She begins to frown tears welling up from her eyes. "Don't cry ok. How about this today I'll stay the night. Does that sound good to you" her face begins to beam with joy? "Yes please"

"Is that alright with you guys" I turned my face to the others waiting for an answer? "That's fine with us, we enjoy having you here" I looked back at the little fairy still in my hand. "Looks like it's settle" " yay dipper is staying, dipper is staying!" she cheered. I chuckled at her cheery mood. "Alright let me get settled then I'll come back and play with you guys"

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