IT'S SO FLUFFY! | chapter twenty nine

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harold: trent, you got him the plush?

trent: nah lmao

cody: which saint do i bow down to for this heavenly gift

trent: im pretty sure noah

justin: oh?

trent: he asked for your address when you were all wacko yesterday

trent: after you begged for the plushie :)


justin: respect for noah +100

harold: how'd you get it?

cody: it was on my porch w some gummies :)

trent: ok wait

trent: not to be like all gushy and all that

trent: but like, the guy knows your obsessed with candy, but he was also kind enough to give you softer ones so they wont hurt your teeth after the procedure

trent: 👀

cody: I CANT BELIEVE HIM :'))))

cody: if i thank him i know he'll get all 'whatever now leave me alone' aksjsk :')

justin: interesting. i believe noahs got an 'act of service' love language.

cody: it's not a love language if we're just friends

harold: what was that special conversation in the bathroom about then?

cody: oh

cody: i dont think hed want me sharing

harold: understandable

trent: you guys do you, just know we support you with whatever happens and we can always lend an ear!

cody: yup!


justins husband🎸🌊 ///// the code-miester😳

cody: uh, i know in the drama brothers chat i said i wanted to keep it private but i really really need to tell someone what happened. can you keep a secret?

trent: definitely!

cody: okay so

cody: noah had to kiss someone at the party, right? so he said since i got him into this mess, i had to help him get out.

trent: mhm?

cody: so he told me that i was the only option he had to kiss because he wasnt close with anyone else, and he didnt want to kiss eva or izzy

trent: oooh~

cody: so he told me the plan and he hid in the bathroom shower while i got sierra and told her to meet me in there for a talk. i climbed in the shower with him and hid in there

cody: it was a really small shower so we were like right against eachother lmao

cody: he seemed really upset :((

cody: but anyways sierra came in and i told her i was in the shower and then noah kissed me. she took a while to open the curtain so it was like a whole twelve seconds we kissed

trent: kissed or made out?

cody: err kissed i think

cody: he had one hand behind my back and the other at the back of my neck with his fingers in my hair. since it was a tight fit, i was pushed against his chest and i could feel his heartbeat aksjks

trent: you're remembering a lot of details 👀

cody: im not done yet :(

cody: so sierra opened the curtain and she nearly started crying. noah pulled away and threatened her that she could tell anyone, clarified that there was nothing between me and him, and then left

cody: i had to comfort sierra a bit after that :/

trent: was that your first kiss?

cody: the first kiss that i actually wanted (no thanks sierra)


trent: LMFAO

trent: you like him?

cody: i hope not

trent: why's that?

cody: i dont want to ruin our friendship. and also unlike gwen, noah is blunt and kinda careless at times. he wouldn't lead me on, hed just go ahead and break my heart. at least with gwen i actually thought i had a chance.

trent: do you really think hed break your heart?

cody: i dont know man

cody: i dont want to think about what'll happen if i date him, because it's not gonna happen

cody: hes said hes straight a bajillion times

trent: the guy literally addresses people as 'honey.' there is no way hes straight

cody: still, it cant happen

trent: alright code-miester, i respect your decisions

trent: are you worried hes asexual?

cody: hes too good of a kisser to be asexual😳

trent: 😏

cody: i can admit someones a good kisser if i like them or dont like them

trent: was it an upgrade from the awake-a-thon kiss?

cody: bRUH


incase it isnt clear, the first conversation is between the drama brothers chat, and the second conversation is between just cody and trent

this is a short chapter so i may post smth later oops

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